Join the U of A as we partner with United Way of the Alberta Capital Region for a live-stream of the SingularityU Canada Summit 2019:
Moonshots in Education (live-streamed presentation)
Dr. Taddy Blecher
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
11:30 a.m. — 1:30 p.m.
ECHA 1–190
A panel discussion titled Prosperity: Technology’s Role in the Education of Our Community will follow.
- Dr. Phil McRae,Dr. Phil McRae, Executive Staff Officer and Associate Coordinator, Government-Research with the Alberta Teachers’ Association and Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Education
- Jason Daniels,Jason Daniels, Associate Director, Research in the Faculty of Extension
- Susan MorriseySusan Morrisey, Executive Director, Edmonton Social Planning Council
- Allan UndheimAllan Undheim (moderator), Vice-President Community Building and Investment, United Way
This is a free event sponsored by the University of Alberta.
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