Despite various digital advancements, it is difficult to imagine a university education without textbooks — or without the costs of textbooks. But, as my predecessor pointed out last year, there are in fact a number of ways to keep your textbook costs down for students. This year I’d like to suggest that there are even more ways to re-imagine the university experience without textbooks… or at least, without traditional textbooks.
This can be done by integrating an existing Open Educational Resource (OER) into your course; alternatively, you could even consider developing one yourself. Here are just a few benefits for students…
- It creates an accessible, affordable and inclusive classroom environment,
- OERs are a dynamic learning tool that can adapt to modern times,
- OERs can auguemt your already chosen classroom materials,
- Students can receive the readings early in the course, setting us up for success.
- It is a sustainable option for the environment,
- OER’s are a personalized option for you and your students and,
- OER databases allow for your work to be part of a larger academic network.
The integration of an OER in your classroom means you are removing barriers for students to connect with course content. Therefore, students are more engaged in the class, they produce higher quality work, and have a enjoyable and accessible experience at a leading institution in Canada.
The Centre for Teaching and Learning and University of Alberta Libraries can offer consultation services to support instructors in identifying and integrating course materials and are keen to address the need for affordability and quality hand-in-hand. Additionally, the Copyright Office can assist with questions related to copyright and OERs.
If you already make an effort to save students money on textbooks, please email me with a description of your innovative solution — I would be honored to nominate you for a University of Alberta OER Award or feature you on our website as an OER Champion. $75,000 has been allocated for the 2018/19 academic year to support the use of OERs to benefit teaching and learning.
Additionally, on September 13th from 10 a.m. — 2 p.m., the Students’ Union will be hosting an interactive Be Book Smart Fair in the Students’ Union Building Atrium, where students and faculty will be able to interact with affordability in the classroom. I would love to formally invite you to drop by the event at any time throughout the day.
For more resources and tips on what you can do to save your students money, visit the SU’s website: bebooksmart.ca.
Akanksha Bhatnagar — Vice President (Academic), University of Alberta Students’ Union

Akanksha Bhatnagar is the 2018–19 Vice President Academic of the University of Alberta Students’ Union and the Chair of the Open Educational Resource Advocacy Group. She is a fourth year Sociology and Political Science student, and is a Peter Lougheed Leadership student. In her spare time, Akanksha enjoys spending time with her dog Rose, drinking an excessive amount of lattes, cooking and, of course, eating. To keep updated on the UASU VP Academic portfolio, follow Akanksha Bhatnagar on Twitter @UASUVPAcademic and on Facebook at UASU VP Academic Akanksha Bhatnagar.