Have You Met … Marc Johnson?

Meet Marc, Undergraduate Ombudsperson in the Office of the Student Ombuds, student mentor and coffee hound.

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Have you met Marc, Undergraduate Ombudsperson in the Office of the Student Ombuds, student mentor, and coffee hound? Spend the next 2 minutes getting to know him a little better.

Where is your favorite place on campus?

Tim Hortons comes to mind right away.

Tablet or paper?

I hear a lot of good things about the tablet and I see a lot of colleagues at meetings with a tablet. I can understand why and I want to make the switch… but I’m still pen and paper. I think it’s just old habit.

Name one thing you’ve brought to work from home.

A picture of me and my wife.

What is the one thing you can’t live without?


If you won airfare to anywhere in the world, where would you go?

There are a number of places on my list… but if I could go anywhere, I think it would be Spain.

You can invite anyone — alive or dead, real or fictional — to dinner. Who would it be?

My favourite actor of all time is Johnny Depp. I would have to invite him.

If you could switch jobs with someone else on campus for a week, what would you do?

I guess I would switch jobs with the president just to see what it’s like.

What does “uplifting the whole people” mean to you?

It means empowering everyone for the best interests of each individual on campus. We do things not just to uplift ourselves but everyone on campus so we can continue to grow as a whole. That’s what it means to me.

If you could solve any problem in the world, what would it be?

Violent conflict or war.

What 3 words best describe your U of A experience?

Learning, fairness, and empowerment.

Marc is the Undergraduate Ombudsperson in the Office of the Student Ombuds. A Chartered Mediator and a veteran of both the U of A and the Ombuds office, Marc helps students with academic and non-academic appeals. He also supports students in situations where they feel they have been treated unfairly.