We are very pleased to announce that Dr. Mike MacGregor has agreed to continue his term as Vice Provost and Associate Vice President (Information Services and Technology) for an additional five years. Dr. MacGregor will take a one-year administrative leave from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 and then will commence his additional five years on January 1, 2019.
While Dr. MacGregor is on administrative leave, the current Deputy Chief Information Officer Brian Stewart will be the acting Vice Provost and Associate Vice President (Information Services and Technology).
In his leadership role with IST, Dr. MacGregor has accomplished a number of significant achievements, including reorganizing the VP-IST portfolio into a single integrated and cohesive unit, formalizing the structure of IT Governance for the University, and creating the position of Chief Information Security Officer to highlight the importance of cyber security. Dr. MacGregor has overseen a number of system development and system improvement projects, including enabling new Google Suite features including Hangouts and Team Drive, replacement of graduate awards system, and implementation of EDRMS in the Office of the Registrar and in Advancement.
Dr. MacGregor is providing excellent leadership in his portfolio, and we are pleased that he has extended his term. We wish Dr. MacGregor continued success in his next five years.
Steven Dew and Gitta Kulczycki