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Dr. Joseph Doucet's current term as Dean of the Alberta School of Business will end on June 30, 2018. In accordance with University regulations, a Dean Review Committee has been established.
As its first action, the Review Committee calls for your advice and opinion on the state of the Alberta School of Business under the leadership of Dean Doucet. Specifically, the Committee is interested in the following:
1) Leadership - demonstrates a high level of integrity and commitment to University and its values, inspires a shared vision of the School, leads academic planning process, communicates the School's vision, develops a strong team of faculty and staff, provides strong leadership within a shared-governance structure, builds trust through openness and transparency while making difficult decisions needed to move the School forward;
2) State of Research and Scholarly Activity - sound intellectual leadership, promotes excellence and integrity in research and scholarly activity, works to support research funding, collaboration and productivity;
3) Advocacy - builds effective relationships, promotes/advocates for the School to a broad spectrum of constituents, including University community and other community leaders, agencies and key institutions regionally, nationally and internationally;
4) Teaching and Learning - leads academic planning process and supports curriculum development, promotes excellence and integrity and fosters a climate that encourages faculty and staff to identify and pursue excellence, works to build strategic recruitment/retention plans;
5) Faculty and Staff Relations - Plans/prioritizes human resource needs for Faculty; establishes strategies to compete for high-caliber faculty and staff; is responsible for appointments, recommendations for tenure and promotion and annual merit increments; is fair and follows effective, transparent processes, builds environment of collegiality;
6) Administration - ensures compliance with University policies, demonstrates financial acumen and ensures fiscal responsibility in working with budgets, funds, and financial processes;
7) External Relations and Advancement - builds national and international linkages, pro-actively looks for new challenges and funding sources, attracts resources to the Faculty from government, philanthropy and other programs, works with advancement professionals, leads School's fund development activities.
8) Other matters.
Should you wish to offer comment on the above, please use the online consultation form. To facilitate the Committee's work, please submit your comments by 12:00 noon on Monday, November 20, 2017.
Your views are important to us and we encourage you to share your thoughts with the Committee.
Thank you for your assistance,
The Dean Review Committee
• Wendy Rodgers, Deputy Provost, Chair
• Larry Kostiuk, Associate Vice-President (Research), Vice-Chair
• John Nychka, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
• Karim Jamal, Accounting, Operations & Information Systems
• Randall Morck, Finance & Statistical Analysis
• Gerald Haeubl, Marketing, Business Economics and Law
• Marvin Washington, Strategic Management and Organization
• Julian Faid, Support Staff
• Gail Harding, Alberta School of Business Advisory Council
• Paul Ingram, Alberta School of Business Advisory Council
• Gordon Turtle, Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta
• Rasheed Abouhassan, Undergraduate Student
• Asif Malik, Graduate Student
• Janice Kung, GFC Representative
For any questions, please contact the committee resource:
Susan Buchsdruecker
Faculty Relations Officer