Goal 6 - Institutional Stewardship Initiatives


Institutional Stewardship Initiatives

City of Edmonton Drainage Services Bylaw

The University of Alberta Utilities Group operates (North Campus) or manages (remaining campuses) the storm and sanitary system for the university; wastewater is then sent for treatment at local municipal facilities. Wastewater treatment is subject to bylaw 18093 (drainage bylaw). Water quality standards and guidelines ensure the protection of ecosystems, wildlife and human health and welfare.


New sustainable on-farm solutions are needed so that agricultural producers can conserve groundwater through the safe use of nontraditional irrigation water sources. CONSERVE (COordinating Nontraditional Sustainable watER use in Variable climatEs) is facilitating the adoption of solutions to reduce agricultural water challenges exacerbated by climate change.

Managing Water Risks

The University of Alberta has policies, processes and guidelines to prevent polluted water from entering the water system, either as a result of accidents/incidents on campus or otherwise, including: guidelines on how to package hazardous waste; a process for hazardous waste pick up and disposal; Biosafety Guidelines for use and storage of biological materials; a policy on assignment of accountability for Environmental Management; and Health, Safety, and Environment Responsibilities

North Campus Open Space Plan

The North Campus Open Space Plan, released in 2014, includes sustainability as a key consideration for space planners. Section 5.6 provides strategies to limit the use of potable water for landscape irrigation and instead incorporate rainwater, stormwater and grey water as assets. Elsewhere, the plan prioritizes native plants that are drought tolerant, and it calls for rainwater retaining infrastructure such as wetlands, bioswales, rain gardens and green roofs.

Water management plan

The University of Alberta’s Watego Water Management Plan is one of several Major Projects that are designed to reduce the University of Alberta's environmental impact. The management plan provides a university-wide water stewardship framework that sets a way forward for water use reductions, infrastructure upgrades in washrooms and labs, behaviour change campaigns and pilots of innovative technologies.