Division of the Month - Cardiac Surgery
4 March 2024
The Division of Cardiac Surgery features research expertise in areas of basic science, clinical research, and surgical education. Dr. Jayan Nagendran and Dr. Darren Freed lead the Ex-Situ Heart and Lung Perfusion research. This technology prolongs the preservation of hearts and lungs for transplant by supplying metabolic and oxygen requirements during transport to expand the pool of useable donor organs. Dr. Jeevan Nagendran leads the tissue engineered heart valve (TEHV) research. This involves seeding human mesenchymal stem cells onto animal heart valves thereby preventing xenogenic immune rejection and eventual valve failure. Strong clinical research is undertaken by all members of the division.
Current trials and studies include the TitanSVS study, CSA-AKI trial, STICH3C trial, BEEFBURGER Trial, LeAAPS trial, DANCE trial, ARIES HM3 trial, PACeS trial, PREDICT-TAA study, TIARA-I study, EVOP study, DARTS study, PROTECT study, TR trial, Cardiac EV diagnostic test study. Several of our residents have also completed and are undergoing PhD studies. Dr. Sabin Bozso, Dr. Keir Forgie, and Dr. Abigail White recently finished their PhDs in TEHV, ESLP, and surgical simulation, respectively. Dr. Jimmy Kang and Dr. Ryaan EL-Andari will finish their PhDs in TEHV and ESLP in several years.