Promoting Inclusive Play in Alberta

Beginning in 2019, Promoting Inclusive Play in Alberta (PiPA) is a collaborative initiative between The Steadward Centre for Personal & Physical Achievement (TSC) and partners to get more Albertans of all abilities to move more, more often, by creating accessible, inclusive physical activity and play opportunities for families throughout Alberta communities. This project is supported by funding from the Government of Alberta. 

The Steadward Centre is a contributor to ongoing research into play experiences of children experiencing disabilities. We also support play events and professional development in the community. Contact us at to find out more about our current research projects, play initiatives and news!

Inclusive Playgrounds Playbook

After years of research and summarizing best practice literature, we are excited to share the Inclusive Playgrounds Playbook from Tim Ross, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, University of Toronto Kelly Arbour-Nicitopoulos, University of Toronto; Ingrid Kanics, Kanics Inclusive Design Services, LLC; and Jennifer Leo, University of Alberta!

The playbook is structured around four key questions:

  • How do we start?
  • Can I get there?
  • Can I play?
  • Can I stay?

Ideas and tools are provided to help with various aspects of a playground’s development, including: community engagement, transportation, the design of the playground and its surroundings, services and maintenance, and more! The development of this playbook has received generous support from Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities’ Inclusive Play Spaces Project and their vision to build more inclusive play spaces across Canada.

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TSC Play Program Guide

This resource is designed to support facilitated playground play with and for children who experience disabilities. We hope these play ideas and suggested games will provide the foundation for play program plans. However, we know that play programs vary widely in ages, diversity of needs and total numbers in the group. So, we also encourage using this guide as a springboard for creativity and flexibility in programming!

The guide contains:

The Playground Guide for Inclusive Play
  • playground games and play (featuring the Clareview District Inclusive Playground from Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities)
  • an example of a themed lesson plan
  • additional play and game suggestions
  • tips for modifying games
  • considerations for providing quality inclusive instruction
The Playground Guide for Inclusive Play

Inclusive Play Leadership Resource

It’s better when we play together! 

The Inclusive Play Leadership Resource is an online resource that helps leaders in children’s physical activity and recreation create and lead inclusive play experiences for kids of all abilities! Learn how to support games and playground play that are engaging and meaningful for all participants. 

Learning outcomes from this training include:

  • developing a well-rounded understanding of play and "Quality Participation" 
  • understanding the definition of inclusion and the value of inclusive play 
  • learning a variety of ways to modify games and activities to suit everyone's abilities, needs and strengths
  • becoming familiar with the sensory, social, behavioural and motor categories of children's needs and considering strategies to support these needs
  • being able to think critically about inclusion and accessibility at playgrounds and other play areas

To access the Inclusive Play Leadership Resource:

  1. Visit Coaching Kids of All Abilities.
  2. Create a new user profile, or log in if you have used Jumpstart training before.
  3. Purchase your choice of training (Inclusive Play Leadership Resource) 
  4. If you have any issues accessing or using the training, please contact the Respect Group Inc. Helpdesk Support via the button on the bottom left of your log-in page or the Help button in the top banner of the training page. 

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