Convocation ‘24: Shelby Findlay, BSc, Biological Sciences

Donna McKinnon - 13 June 2024


Like many undergraduate students in science, Shelby Findlay had a general idea of what she wanted to study but no clear path, relying instead on the flexibility of the program to give her the diversity of experience that would help her zero in on areas of interest and passion. She found it in biological sciences.  

It wasn’t just what Shelby learned in the classroom, however. Some of her best memories as a student involved hands-on research in the field and in the lab, including back-to-back summers investigating the impacts of elevated carbon dioxide on the symbiotic fungi that is carried by pine beetles and spruce budworms. 

These opportunities were supported, respectively, by the I-STEAM Pathways program and the NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award.

“Getting that hands-on lab experience is so unique and goes far beyond what you do in your lab

coursework,” says Shelby, who is graduating with distinction. She credits the support of her supervisor on both projects, Nadir Erbilgin, for giving her the confidence to pursue a masters degree in biostatistics following graduation, after gaining some valuable work experience in her field.

Congratulations Shelby!


What program are you graduating from?

Bachelor of Science, Biological Sciences.

What led you to choose your current area of study, and why the U of A for your studies?

I've always been passionate about biology but felt like I couldn't limit myself to one specialization. The BSc program gave me the flexibility to figure out what I am passionate about. Throughout my degree, it became clear to me that I enjoy biostatistics, which in turn allowed me to conduct a project as the primary author studying the effects of elevated Carbon Dioxide on eastern spruce budworm biology. This project has resulted in a forthcoming publication in the Canadian Entomologist Journal! 

I chose the University of Alberta because it has an incredible reputation for its science program, and I knew I would be able to receive an education from some of the best and brightest in their respective fields. 

What is one of your favourite memories from your time at the U of A?

If I were to choose a notable memory, it would be the opportunity I had to conduct my own research project through the I-STEAM Pathways program in Nadir Erbilgin's Forest Entomology and Invasion Biology Lab

Tell us about your favourite professor and/or class.

My favorite supervisor is Nadir Erbilgin. I had the privilege of working in his lab from summer 2022 to 2023. Professor Erbilgin is incredibly knowledgeable and kind, and he gave me the confidence to believe in myself, which is a major reason why I will be pursuing graduate studies. He will be a lifelong mentor to me. 

Did you take on any leadership roles while you were a student?

I had the opportunity to conduct my own project under the supervision of Professor Erbilgin. During my second summer in his lab, I received the NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award and served as the primary researcher studying the impacts of elevated carbon dioxide on eastern spruce budworm development and reproductive biology. 

Did you face any significant obstacles or challenges during your program?

Yes, during my third year, a family member had a serious illness occur. I really struggled with staying motivated and prioritizing self-care. I was able to reach out to my professors and let them know what was happening, and the majority were extremely accommodating and concerned for my well-being. 

What advice do you have for current and future students?

Get involved! All the opportunities I had in university came from connecting with my professors and peers. 

How do you plan on celebrating convocation?

I am planning on celebrating with my friends and family in Edmonton and visiting my grandparents in southern Ontario!

What's next after graduation?

I am taking a year off to work. Starting in September 2025, I will be pursuing a MSc in Biostatistics through the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences.