Celebrating Staff: Meet Jill Bagwe

Get to know Jill Bagwe as she takes on the new role of operations manager in the Dean’s Office for the Faculty of Science.

Andrew Lyle - 7 September 2022

Jill Bagwe joins the Dean's Office in the role of operations manager, transitioning from her previous position as academic department manager for the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences.

Jill Bagwe joins the Dean's Office in the role of operations manager, transitioning from her previous position as academic department manager for the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences.

With seven departments and more than 7,000 students, the Faculty of Science is the University of Alberta’s largest undergraduate faculty — and a research and teaching powerhouse of that scale comes with no shortage of administrative and management needs.

This Fall, Jill Bagwe takes on the newly-created role of operations manager for the Faculty of Science, transitioning from her previous role as academic department manager for the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences. With more than 20 years of experience in the Faculty of Science across four departments, Jill brings considerable expertise and a deep appreciation for the joys of teaching and research — as well as the many colleagues she has had the opportunity to work with in our community. 

Get to know Jill and hear from her on what continues to inspire her about the Faculty of Science:

How long have you worked at the Faculty of Science?

I actually started working in the Faculty of Science last century! Between four Faculty of Science departments along with my previous experience in the Office of the Dean of Science, I have a combined total of 20 years’ experience in the Faculty of Science — and that doesn't include my time as a BSc student!

As you can see, I am deeply committed to the Faculty of Science at the University of Alberta as I find it to be a truly rewarding and enjoyable workplace environment.

What is a typical day on campus like for you?

That is difficult to describe, as what I often think I might be doing when I step into the building is likely to change once I get to my desk and see my emails from the night before!

What I can say it is that my typical work day is diverse, fluid and interesting.

What's the most common question people ask you about your job?

As this is a brand new role to the Faculty of Science most people ask me what I do in my job and how it differs from the faculty general manager (FGM) role.

My response is that my role complements that of the FGM and my portfolio is to provide administrative management and strategic support to the Dean’s Office and Faculty of Science departments with the goal of creating consistent and efficient faculty administrative processes in adherence to the UAT operational model.

What is your favourite memory from work?

After two decades of working here, I cannot identify one specific favourite memory from work. Rather, my most cherished memories are based upon the rewarding working relationships — and in some instances, friendships — I have formed with those I have had the privilege to work with over these many years.

I truly believe that the Faculty of Science's greatest resource are the countless talented and dedicated staff, students and faculty members and given my longevity in this faculty, I have been fortunate to work with many, many of them.

Favourite thing about working at the Faculty of Science?

My favourite thing about working at the Faculty of Science is that it gives me the chance to connect to researchers, faculty and students alike to ask them about their research. I find it heartwarming to see a researcher become animated when they talk about their latest successful discovery, whether that be in a wet lab, in the field or on paper.

The unifying factor amongst all researchers, whether they're new or established in their careers, is a passion for their field of study and the drive to want to propel their respective research area forward — and I love that for them.

Curious to learn more? Find more information on teaching and learning in the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Science