Celebrating the graduates of Spring 2020: Shruti Shah

Join the Faculty as we celebrate the achievements of our graduating class at our first-ever online convocation on June 12.

News Staff - 8 June 2020

This Friday, the Faculty of Science will celebrate with our graduates, their friends, and families as the University of Alberta holds its first-ever digital convocation on June 12th. As we prepare to celebrate the achievements of our graduating class, we’re sharing profiles on just a few of our amazing students.

Meet Shruti Shah, graduating with a BSc with Specialization in Cell Biology, as she reflects on building self-confidence and leadership skills through community connections in the Faculty of Science, her studies, and what comes next.

What led you to pick the University of Alberta for your studies?

After finishing high school, I didn’t know a lot about my academic interests and what major I wanted to pursue. Some of the reasons I chose the University of Alberta was because of its variety of programs, opportunities, and the support it offered for both personal and academic growth. As an added bonus, it was close to my hometown of Fort McMurray, Alberta. 

Tell us about your experience in the Faculty of Science.

Initially, the transition to university and living independently for the first time was quite challenging for me. Getting involved within the Faculty of Science through groups such as the Interdepartmental Science Students’ Society and the Science Mentor program played a huge role in helping me overcome this. The peer support and mentorship that I received through these involvements helped me build resilience, self-confidence and leadership skills. This made me feel more integrated within the Faculty of Science community and encouraged me to get involved with different student groups, Week of Welcome, and more. My experience also involved exploring classes outside the faculty and conducting research in different departments. I am so thrilled to have had such an amazing four year experience and am looking forward to seeing what’s next for me.

What is one of your favourite memories from your time at UAlberta?

My absolute favorite memory from UAlberta was when I got to meet Chris Hadfield through a Faculty meet and greet. I am fascinated by space so being able to chat with him in a one-on-one setting was a greatly memorable experience. 

What advice do you have for current and future students at the Faculty of Science?

I would encourage students to get involved on campus. I wish I joined more student groups in my first year. It’s a great way to make new friends, especially if you’re not from Edmonton. I would also recommend exploring campus and visiting different buildings and libraries. 

How have you spent your time during COVID-19 distancing?

A lot of baking and spending quality time with my family.

How do you plan on celebrating convocation?

I will be celebrating with my family and friends. I am also looking forward to celebrating with a grad trip once it is safe to do so!

What's next after graduation?

I will be returning to school in fall to pursue a master’s program.