Kyle Mathewson, PhD, BA

Associate Professor, Faculty of Science - Psychology Science


Associate Professor, Faculty of Science - Psychology Science
(780) 492-2662
P-455 Bio Science - Psychology Wing
11355 - Saskatchewan Drive
Edmonton AB
T6G 2E9




I am an Associate Professor of Psychology in the Faculty of Science’s Department of Psychology at the University of Alberta. I was previously a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and in the Department of Psychology at the University of Alberta. I received my PhD in 2011 from the Brain and Cognition Division of the Department of Psychology at the University of Illinois in the Cognitive Neuroimaging Lab of Drs. Monica Fabiani and Gabriele Gratton, with the support of a Post Graduate Scholarship from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada. I received my B.A. in Psychology (Honours; First in Graduating Class) from the University of Victoria in 2007, completing my honours thesis in the Learning and Cognitive Control Lab under the supervision of Dr. Clay Holroyd.


Human psychophysiology of attention, perception, and performance. We use human behavioural studies, neuroimaging, and electrophysiological recording to gain understanding of the visual attention system. We study basic processes of the visual attention system involving oscillations in neural activity, as well as how these processes are utilized in real world tasks such as driving and video games. We are also developing and researching new technologies to non-invasively monitor physiology and brain activity.

Lab - Attention Perception and Performance Lab

P-203 Biological Sciences

My field of research is the cognitive neuroscience of visual awareness, attention, learning and memory. I am currently directing the Name to be Announced (NTBA) lab in the Department of Psychology at the University of Alberta (Departmental Page). We use human behavioural studies, neuroimaging, and electrophysiological recording to gain understanding of the visual attention system. We study basic processes of the visual attention system involving oscillations in neural activity, as well as how these processes are utilized in real world tasks such as driving and video games. We are also developing and researching new technologies to non-invasively monitor physiology and brain activity. 


Cognitive Neuroscience

Brain and Behaviour



PSYCH 275 - Brain and Behavior

An introduction to brain mechanisms involved in sensation, perception, movement, motivation, learning, and cognition, as studied in both humans and lower animals. Prerequisites: PSYCH 104 or SCI 100. [Faculty of Science]

PSYCH 403 - Recent Advances in Experimental Psychology: Models and Theories

Discussion of advanced concepts and theories developed by selected fields within experimental psychology. The course will examine the relation between theory and data in these fields. Prerequisites: PSYCH 213 or STAT 151 or 161, and one 300-level PSYCH course. Note: May be taken more than once for credit provided no topic is repeated. Consult the Department of Psychology website for the topics offered and any additional prerequisites.[Faculty of Science]

PSYCH 505 - Conference Course in Psychology

Review and discussion of advanced theoretical or methodological topics or emerging research areas in Psychology. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students. Note: Consult the Department of Psychology website for the topics offered and any additional prerequisites.[Faculty of Science]

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