Convocation Spotlight: Dental Hygiene '24 grad Spencer Barss

Spencer is interested in research and education and would like to return to the University of Alberta one day to teach future professionals.

5 June 2024

Spencer Barss was drawn to the field of dental hygiene because of his dual interests in science and patient care, and his desire to have a direct, positive impact on his community. As he looks back on his dental hygiene degree, he recalls at times battling imposter syndrome, wondering if he belonged and doubting his abilities. But through staying connected with his classmates and focusing on his own personal growth, he came to embrace his skills and talents with confidence and now looks to a bright future contributing in the health-care field.

What initially drew you to dental hygiene?

I was initially drawn to the field of dental hygiene through an interest in specialized healthcare. The blend of scientific knowledge and patient care appealed to my desire to have a direct positive impact on my community. 

What are you most proud of from your time in the program?

One standout moment from my time in the program was volunteering with the SMILE program to deliver oral-health presentations to elementary students. It allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and embrace new opportunities, which led me to discover a passion for educating.

What was the biggest challenge you faced during your degree?

After going through the rigorous admissions process and getting into the program, I began to feel that I might not belong or be as capable as my classmates. 

What helped me through these thoughts and feelings was sharing my concerns with peers and mentors. Additionally, showing myself compassion and focusing on my personal growth helped me build confidence in the academic environment.

How did you stay motivated and who helped you keep going when things got tough?

I am grateful to have an amazing support system of family and friends who were not shy to remind me when I needed to take a break. Within the program, working alongside my classmates constantly motivated me to persist when feelings of stress and burnout crept in. 

What advice would you give to a student thinking of entering this program?

If you're considering entering the dental hygiene program at the University of Alberta, I would encourage you to take the leap and apply. It's an incredibly personally rewarding field of study. The tenacity needed to enter the program will also be key to your success within this field of study.  

What have you learned about yourself, and how will you use this going forward?

One of my biggest takeaways from my time in the program is my capacity for self-reliance. I've discovered that I can quickly grasp new concepts and apply them effectively, enabling me to tackle challenges with confidence. Going forward, I plan to use these skills to say “yes” to exciting and challenging opportunities in my career. 

What comes next for you?

I am excited to begin growing my clinical knowledge and experience in private practice this summer. Over time, I hope to explore other domains of the dental hygiene profession, such as research and educating others. I would love to return to the University of Alberta one day to help provide guidance and instruction to our future health-care professionals.