Convocation Spotlight: Dental Hygiene '24 grad Ngozi Ufomba

Ngozi is looking forward to making a positive impact on the oral health of the local community.

5 June 2024

With a passion for providing a positive experience for her patients, dental hygiene graduate Ngozi Ufomba recalls the support she received to complete the challenging program during a time of personal loss.

We caught up with Ufomba to learn more about her experience and what she plans to do next.

What initially drew you to dental hygiene?

Growing up in Nigeria, I had negative experiences with dental care and also the dental hygiene profession was not established. When I moved to Canada, I had the opportunity to build a positive relationship with my hygienist, who provided compassionate and high-quality care. This experience inspired me to pursue a career in dental hygiene, with the goal of one day returning to Nigeria to help establish and grow the profession there.

What are you most proud of from your time in the program?

One of the highlights of my time in the program was my two-week satellite rotation in McLennan during my final semester. This opportunity allowed me to provide dental hygiene care to patients living in a relatively underserved community and also required me to adapt quickly to a private practice-like setting.

What was the biggest challenge you faced during your degree?

One of the biggest challenges I faced during the dental hygiene program was balancing my personal life with the demanding curriculum, especially when I experienced a personal loss. During a particularly difficult time, I lost a family member and struggled to balance my grief with my academic responsibilities. With the support of my instructors, classmates and family, I was able to persevere through this challenging time and ultimately complete the program successfully.

How did you stay motivated and who helped you keep going when things got tough?

When things got tough, I stayed motivated by seeking support from classmates, some of whom had become great friends, and were going through a similar experience. 

What advice would you give to a student thinking of entering this program?

For students considering the hygiene program, my advice is to believe in yourself — you have what it takes to succeed. Don't hesitate to reach out to current students, instructors or alumni to learn more about the program and ask for advice. It's a challenging program, but the support system and sense of community will make it a rewarding experience. Embrace the journey, work hard and remember to have fun along the way! 

What have you learned about yourself, and how will you use this going forward?

Through my time in the program, I've discovered my own resilience and developed the valuable skill of self-reflection. This ability to reflect on my experiences and learn from them will continue to guide my growth as a clinician. 

What comes next for you?

My immediate plan is to work in a private practice within Edmonton for the next couple of years. This will provide me with valuable experience and allow me to hone my skills as a dental hygienist. I look forward to serving the local community and making a positive impact on the oral health of my patients. In the future, I hope to return to Nigeria to help grow the profession there.