Convocation Spotlight: DDS '24 grad Allora Mason

Mason will be starting a master's and specialty program in pediatric dentistry in Toledo, Ohio this July.

5 June 2024

After completing a bachelor of biomedical science degree, Allora Mason knew she wanted to pursue further studies. Having always been interested in the health-care field, she was drawn to the hands-on work of dentistry as well as the opportunities for creativity.

Grateful for the support of her team of classmates and best friends, today Mason looks back on the challenges and joys of her doctor of dental surgery degree program at the University of Alberta.

What initially drew you to dentistry?

I was always interested in the healthcare field, the creativity and hands on aspects of dentistry is what made it stand out for me! 

What are you most proud of from your time in the program?

In my fourth year, I was fortunate to be able to participate in a Dentistry for All trip to Guatemala, where we provided free emergency dental care to more than 500 adults and children!

What was the biggest challenge you faced during your degree?

Starting in 2020 was very difficult for me as I had to move to a new city by myself, and, due to the COVID restrictions at the time, had to navigate starting a difficult program with limited social support from my classmates. 

How did you stay motivated and who helped you keep going when things got tough?

I have always had a strong motivation to become a competent clinician and help make a difference in my community. I am forever thankful to my best friends and classmates Alexa, Nafisa, Tanisha and Jasleen for keeping me going! 

What advice would you give to a student thinking of entering this program?

Make sure you shadow your local dentists. There is a massive scope in this field and it’s important to know what you’re getting into and to find out what parts of dentistry excite you the most. 

What comes next for you?

I will be starting a master's and specialty program in pediatric dentistry in Toledo, Ohio this July.