Convocation spotlight: Dental Hygiene '23 grad Jaime Yiu
5 June 2023

BSc dental hygiene '23 grad Jaime Yiu. Photo supplied.
What initially drew you to this area of study?
The focus on patient-centred care and the relationships we build with our patients were what initially drew me into this field. Unlike many other health-care professions, dental hygienists see patients regularly throughout the year and get to build strong, trusting relationships with them, something that really stood out to me. Despite being an introvert, I really enjoy getting to work with others. Being able to educate and aid them on their oral health journey while also building long-lasting patient/provider relationships was something that just seemed to fit me.
What achievement, accomplishment or moment are you most proud of from your time in the program?
I'm most proud of my work with Shine Dentistry, a student-run organization that provides free dental care to the underserved population of Edmonton. It has been extremely eye-opening to work with and meet so many different individuals through this program, and seeing first-hand how the treatment we're providing is helping this population has been valuable. Shine also allowed me to become much more familiar with the inner workings of a dental clinic, something that I'm extremely grateful for as it's provided me with experiences I would not have been able to get elsewhere. I love being able to interact with the community and other peers I normally may not get the chance to work with, and seeing the growth of my leadership and interpersonal skills has been rewarding as well.
What was the biggest challenge you faced?
The biggest challenge was definitely how overwhelming the program was at the beginning, particularly with the heavy course load and clinical aspects. There was the constant mental reminder that I had made it into the program and shouldn't have to feel pressured to constantly achieve higher marks. Although the stress of exams and assignments didn't disappear by the time I was in my fourth year, I had learned to better balance my personal life and academic/work life, recognizing that it's OK to take a breather and just relax. School may be important, but at the end of the day, it's your own well-being and health that matters the most!
How did you stay motivated and who helped you keep going when things got tough?
My interest in what I was learning was definitely something that kept me motivated, particularly when we got to apply what we learned in a clinical setting! It was so fascinating getting to see what we learned in class put to use, and when we began seeing patients, it only became more of a reality and something that I enjoyed. Our professors and clinical instructors were also huge supporters during the program and were always extremely understanding of what we were going through. Even when burnout hit, they were always cheering us on from the sidelines with endless patience and encouragement.
What advice would you give to a student thinking of entering this program of study/specialization?
Step out of your comfort zone and get involved! There are so many unique opportunities that come up within the School of Dentistry and it's a good chance to get to know your professors and peers because the community is so tight-knit. With Shine, I had the opportunity to connect with not just my instructors and other students, but also individuals who volunteer from the community and have the same values of patient care as me, something that has really shaped who I am as not just a clinician, but also a person.
What have you learned about yourself, and how will you use this going forward?
I have learned that I am capable of much more than I originally thought! The two years of my undergraduate program prior to dental hygiene were very difficult for me mentally and academically, and I was worried that it was going to be a similar experience coming into this too. Now that I'm done, I've surprised myself with how much I have achieved within such a short period of time. I've learned to better challenge myself and take on tasks that, although they may scare me, can help me grow in so many ways, something that I hope to carry with me throughout my career.
What comes next for you in your career/academic journey?
I plan on staying in Edmonton to work as a dental hygienist but would also love to return to the university as a clinical instructor in the future! I am also considering working in public health later on and/or obtaining a master's degree in education so that I can teach future dental hygiene students. And last but certainly not least, I will definitely be taking some time to precept at Shine once I've gained some more clinical experience!