Movember campaign officially kicks-off

1 November 2018

It's time to kick-off the annual Movember campaign fundraiser. This year's goal is to raise $10,000 and students have planned a few different activities to make this possible.

Fourth-year dentistry students Kevin Amaniampong and Shahed Bayestehtarat are organizing the campaign this year. And yes, while this year they will be selling the famous Movember calendars, a few more events have been added to the roster to ensure they hit that fundraising mark.

"This year we wanted to share a universal message that cancer can affect anyone," says Bayestehtarat. "So we have added a special Movember Move challenge to help raise funds."

Dentistry and dental hygiene students, and medicine and pharmacy students are all encouraged to join this fitness challenge. Individuals register for the challenge, and find fitness sponsors to pledge funds. Every day the registrant exercises in the month of November the sponsor will donate a preset amount.

"So say the sponsor agrees to $5 each time I exercise. And I exercise 20 days in November, then they would make a $100 donation to the campaign," says Amaniampong. "We've made t-shirts with cancer facts on them for registrants to wear as they exercise, so we can raise even more awareness."

The duo says that through this campaign they want to raise awareness and encourage people to educate themselves on the risk factors associated with prostate cancer and other cancers.

"We've added a fitness move challenge because staying active is important in reducing some of the risk factors associated with cancer," says Bayestehtarat. "Another important thing is that if you notice any changes in your body, go see your family doctor immediately."

With the annual rivalry hockey game between dentistry and pharmacy reignited last year, this year's game will be happening on December 5 at the Clare Drake Arena - all in support of the Movember campaign as well.

For more information or if you are interested in making a donation or joining the Movember Move Challenge please email, Shahed Bayestehtarat at or Kevin Amaniampong at