Festival of Teaching showcases research at the school

4 May 2018

The annual University of Alberta Festival of Teaching was held May 4. The festival featured full day presentations, workshops and networking sessions. Jacqueline Green, Tanushi Ambekar, Dr. Seema Ganatra, Dr. Ivano Ongaro, Dr. Usama Nassar, Dr. Alan Kilistoff, Minn Yoon, Dr. Hollis Lai, Vijay Daniels, Okan Bulut and Tracey Hillier all showcased their research.

The festival showcased posters from:

  • A Systematic Review Investigating Active Learning in Dental Education
    Jacqueline Green, Tanushi Ambekar and Seema Ganatra
  • Need Based Course Restructuring within the Dental Curriculum
    Ivano Ongaro
  • Quality of Student Prosthodontic Preparations Using Surgical Loupes and Dental Operating Microscopes (DOM)
    Usama Nassar and Alan Kilistoff

Special seminars presented by the School were:

  • Effect of Detailed Score Reporting in an Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) on Student Learning
    Vijay Daniels, Hollis Lai, Okan Bulut, Minn Yoon and Tracey Hillier

    Faculty members in Medicine, Dental Hygiene, and Education have come together to look at better ways to use assessment data to support student learning. They used a new score reporting system as part of the final year Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) in the MD Program with the intention of providing students better feedback to learners to focus their future learning and growth as practitioners. If you are interested in scoring rubrics, formative feedback, and how students interact with assessment data beyond their final grade, this session is for you.
  • Active Case-based Learning in Oral Pathology: The confluence of multiple teaching and learning techniques
    Seema Ganatra

    Seema Ganatra, Clinical Professor of Dentistry created oral pathology seminars with multiple teaching approaches including think/pair/share (TPS) technique, active learning, mentorship between third and fourth year students, and utilization of narrative storytelling with actual clinical cases to provide a contextually grounded experience. Her mixed methods study captured students' experiences in the seminars through the completion of an online survey. While each approach individually added value to a student's learning, the combination provided a holistic, supportive, and inspirational environment that impacted their approach to patient care as practicing clinicians.