Day in the Life of Toothy

3 May 2018

What do you do within the Department/School of Dentistry - in other words, what is your role?

I am Tooth Emeritus. My job is to keep people honest. I am that little voice that says no to the chocolate bar and reminds people to floss. I wouldn't call myself a hero, but flossing does increase when I am around.

How long have you worked here?

I started as an Intern in 1985, who washed the smocks and worked my way up. Being a giant mutant Tooth, the School of Dentistry seemed like a natural fit for a career.

What is one of your proudest moments at work?

Last year after a hard fought battle the School finally stopped giving out treats and did a Vegetable Cart instead. Thanks to me the staff were finally given a real and proper treat.

Tell us something we don't know about you that you are okay with sharing? A previous job, hobby, what you wanted to be when you grew up, etc.

I always wanted to be a Canine tooth. They were always the cool kid with the sweet intimidating shape and cool name. I always watched them, wanting to be one. But at least I wasn't a wisdom tooth, nobody likes those guys.

If you weren't doing what you do now, what would you be doing?

I would probably be on a corner spinning the SubWay $5 foot-long sign.

What's the best advice somebody has ever given you?

Get a WaterPik. It really helps me clean those hard to reach places.

Favourite quote, movie or book?

You would think it is The Tooth Fairy, but that movie is an exaggerated lie about the business of the underground Fairy tooth exchange. I am really a huge fan of the Adventure of Timmy the Tooth. Timmy and BrushBrush sure got into some crazy adventures in the Valley of Flossmore! Some people thought it was a bit preachy, but the musical numbers can't be beat.