Exam Guidelines for Instructors
Guidelines for the administration of final exams
Since the conducting of examinations is the responsibility of individual instructors rather than the Registrar, the following points are offered as comments and suggestions to assist you in this process.
See also What to do when a student is sick.
Instructors who have an Online exam on the final examination schedule should:
- Refer to the Delivering Remote Exams page on the IST website for guidelines, best practices, and technical support contact info.
- Students may use their virtual ONECard for identity validation. Other identification may be used at the discretion of the instructor: the software flags anything that is not a valid ONECard for instructor review and to match their ID to a face capture.
Instructors who have an In Person exam on the final examination schedule should:
- Arrange for transportation of question papers and examination booklets to the place of writing before the examination. (Please note that it is the responsibility of each department to order their own supply of examination booklets open in a new tab ).
- Admit students to the scheduled room 10 minutes prior to the start time of the examination in order that they may be settled by the time the examination is scheduled to begin.
- Distribute question papers and examination booklets to the students and collect the materials at the end of the examination. For exams that have more than one part, it is suggested that all parts be distributed at the commencement of the exam. It is extremely disruptive for students when others must leave their seats to return one part of an exam and to pick up another.
- Ensure that the examination begins and ends on time, and that students leave the examination room quietly as soon as they have handed in their completed papers.
- Keep a record of the students who are present and who are absent, and also a record of students who hand in examination papers so that disputes will not subsequently arise over allegedly lost answer papers.
- Assume responsibility for supervising their own examinations or for making arrangements within their department for a substitute.
- Ensure that the furniture in the large examination centres (gyms) is left as neat and tidy as possible.
- Try to keep the atmosphere as calm as possible with the least number of disruptions. Please note that athletic activity is not permitted in exam centres while an exam is in progress.
- Students must have suitable identification such as a ONECard or government issue ID that they can produce for inspection by the invigilator.
- Only those aids specifically authorized by the instructor may be brought into the examination facility.
- Please arrive on time - 30 minutes minimum prior to the start of the exam.
- Please reference the following link open in a new tab for more details on gym procedure.
- Please take note of the following location information:
- Universiade Pavilion
- AKA the Butterdome
- To avoid a bottleneck in the holding area, students will be allowed to enter 20 minutes prior to the start of the exam
- Main Gymnasium
- Located on the second floor of the Van Vliet Complex
- Education Gymnasium
- Located in the Education Centre South (nearest entrance by the southwest doors)
- Universiade Pavilion