Calls for Submissions

8 November 2023

Call for applications: The MITACS - Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Summer Program is implemented as a component of the JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan. Carried out in partnership with The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), the program provides opportunities for young pre- and post-doctoral researchers from North America and Europe to receive an orientation on Japanese culture and research systems and to pursue research under the guidance of host researchers at a Japanese university or research institute over a period of two months during the summer.

All fields of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences are included under this program. The candidate must either be majoring or conducting research in a related field. For more information, click here

RSO Deadline: November 23, 2023
Deadline: November 30, 2023


Call for applications: The Digital Citizen Contribution Program supports the priorities of the Digital Citizen Initiative by providing time-limited financial assistance for research and citizen-focused activities. The Program aims to support democracy and social inclusion in Canada by enhancing and/or supporting efforts to counter online disinformation and other online harms and threats. This call for proposals is seeking citizen-focused activities projects, research projects, or projects combining elements of both project types. The Program is offering successful recipients up to $380,000 per approved project. For more information, click here

Deadline: November 28, 2023


Call for applications: SSHRC Partnership Grants - Stage 1 are expected to respond to the objectives of the Insight and/or the Connection program. Proposals exclusively for partnered research training initiatives are expected to respond, instead, to the objectives of the Talent program.

These grants provide support for new and existing formal partnerships over four to seven years to advance research, research training and/or knowledge mobilization in the social sciences and humanities. This is done through mutual co-operation and sharing of intellectual leadership, as well as through resources as shown by cash and/or in-kind contributions. For full guidelines, click here.

RSO Deadline: February 5, 2024
Deadline: February 12, 2024