Call for Chief Returning Officer (CRO)

9 July 2024

The Postdoctoral Fellows Association (PDFA) is seeking a member to serve as the Chief Returning Officer (CRO) for the upcoming PDFA elections.

As outlined in the PDFA bylaws, the CRO oversees the PDFA elections and implements election-related procedures. In consultation with the executive and with the support of staff, the CRO will set dates for deadlines, nominations, and voting. They will also recruit and contact nominees as needed, and communicate the results of the election to the membership.

The CRO must be a member of the PDFA for the duration of the election. Voting will open in the last week of September.

More information about the CRO and election process can be found in the bylaws.     

We hope that you will consider volunteering as the CRO. Please email us at if you are interested in the position or have any questions.