Our Award Winning Faculty Members

Announcing a trifecta of outstanding winners in this year’s Faculty of Arts faculty teaching and mentoring awards!

6 May 2024

Announcing a trifecta of outstanding winners in this year’s Faculty of Arts faculty teaching and mentoring awards!

  • Yasmeen Abu-Laban, winner of the Faculty of Arts Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching and Mentorship
  • Ghada Ageel, winner of the Academic Teaching Staff Award
  • Lori Thorlakson, winner of the Helena Fracchia International Teaching Award

All these prizes reflect years of work building courses, projects, and programs, and supporting and mentoring individual students. This is work that is often invisible and under-recognized, so I am thrilled to have the opportunity to congratulate and celebrate Yasmeen, Ghada, and Lori for everything they’ve done for students and for us.

And thank you as well to Siobhan Byrne and Jared Wesley, who together formed this year’s Awards Committee. They put a lot of work into finding out about award opportunities, thinking about who might be nominated or encouraged to apply, soliciting support from other colleagues (thanks to everyone who chipped in), and wrangling applications that are often complex to assemble and edit.