Didier Zúñiga wins 2023 annual prize for best article in Contemporary Political Theory

M. Whitecotton-Carroll - 5 October 2023

Dr. Zúñiga’s article,  “Ecologizing democratic theory: agency, representation, animacy” was selected as the 2023 annual prize for best article in Contemporary Political Theory (vol. 21/2022).

Quoted the judges, “Didier Zúñiga’s article “Ecologizing democratic theory: Agency, representation, animacy” is a compelling and original contribution to the field of political theory. It is deeply researched and engages with a variety of different literatures to convincingly highlight the essential importance of recognizing the limits of human agency in democratic theory and moving beyond them to actively engage with animacy. By displacing a rationalist and human centered concept of agency in democratic participation and citizenship, Zúñiga shows how ableism, speciesism, and anthropocentrism are interconnected and puts forward a situated theory of agency and representation centered on animacy that is attuned to all the relational dimensions of life one arth. In doing so, Zúñiga’s work makes a major contribution to the field of contemporary political theory, by not only bringing Western political thought into conversation with indigenous animacy, which is a significant contribution in and of itself, but in urging us to radically rethink forms of democratic engagement by listening and giving voice to the non-human.”

Read his article at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s41296-021-00514-9