Sloan Fellowship

Congratulations to Dr. Maria Ioannou, Assistant Professor in the Department of Physiology!

2 March 2021

A 2021 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in Neuroscience has been awarded to Dr. Maria Ioannou, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology.

This prestigious award recognizes early career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise. Dr. Ioannou is to be commended for this international acknowledgement of her groundkeeping research investigating how coupling of fatty acid metaobilsm between neurons and glia affects the brain.

Historical perspective by Mark Taylor, Senior Director of Research, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry:

"This is the first Sloan Fellowship awarded to the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. Dr. Brian Sykes, widely recognized as one of FoMD's most accomplished scientists, received a Sloan Fellowship while he was an assistant professor at Harvard University in 1971. He moved to the University of Alberta in 1975 and will be retiring at the end of March. There have been four other Sloan Fellows at the University of Alberta - all in the Faculty of Science."