Physiology Graduate Student Spotlight - Meet Allan Wu

Allan is originally from China and he is pursuing his master's degree under the supervision of Dr. Freed.

1 April 2019

Allan is originally from China and he is pursuing his master's degree under the supervision of Dr. Freed. He is currently in the 3rd year of his program.

Student Spotlight Allan Wu

How would you describe your research?

My research is focused on normothermic ex situ kidney perfusion as a novel preservation method for purposes of transplantation. The goal of kidney machine
perfusion is to allow evaluation and isolated study of the kidney in a transplant setting. Current projects include examining perfusate compositions and
perfusion parameters.

What inspired you to pursue your current research?

During my undergraduate studies I worked in the lab as a summer student and was fascinated by the organ perfusion projects on hearts, lungs, and liver.
When looking into the field, kidney perfusion research was sparse, and my physiology background led me to my project.

What impact(s) will your research have outside of your lab?

We hope to improve kidney graft quality and quantity for transplantation, as well as gain a deeper understanding of the renal physiology within a uniquely
isolated environment. The platform offers new therapeutic opportunities as well as biomedical research perspectives.

What advice would you give to someone that is just starting graduate studies?

Find a field you enjoy learning about, and if things get tough, remember you have many fellow graduate students within the department and the university.
Reach out to your fellow students!

What is your favourite place/thing to do here at the UofA or in Edmonton?

Edmonton has a beautiful river valley to explore, and it is one of my favourite spots in both the summer and winter. Though if you are doing winter
explorations, be sure to have good traction, warm clothes, and a buddy!