Call for CCPP Preceptors

Faculty of Pharmacy + Pharmaceutical Sciences

CALL FOR PRECEPTORS for Internationally Educated Pharmacists enrolled in the Certificate to Canadian Pharmacy Practice (CCPP) Program.

The Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is looking to identify SPT preceptors to mentor internationally educated pharmacy graduates (IEPGs) who are currently enrolled in the inaugural Certificate to Canadian Pharmacy Practice (CCPP) program at the University of Alberta. 

The Alberta College of Pharmacy requires pharmacy graduates from outside Canada to complete 1000 or more hours of Structured Practical Training (SPT) prior to being registered on the clinical pharmacist register in Alberta. CCPP learners who have NOT yet graduated from the program must be supervised by an experienced preceptor. Graduates of the CCPP program do not require an experienced preceptor for any level of the SPT program.

The first cohort of CCPP learners will complete the program in June 2022 and will be seeking preceptors for one or more of their SPT levels. To support the learners enrolled in the CCPP program, the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is working to help to connect program learners to practicing pharmacists in Alberta who could potentially serve as preceptors.

To read more about the CCPP program and the high quality training these learners undertake at the University of Alberta, please visit the CCPP website.

Benefits of Preceptorship

Benefits of being a preceptor include:

  • Helping IEPGs apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired through previous practice experience and the CCPP program to practice to full scope in the Alberta context;
  • Promoting your practice, showcasing your workplace and attracting pharmacists to your pharmacy or organization;
  • Being introduced to new perspectives and knowledge;
  • Challenging and re-energizing your interest in learning;
  • Mentorship, and the satisfaction of assisting someone to develop and strengthen their practice.

How to Apply

Step 1

Read the Information for Preceptors and the SPT program rules on the Alberta College of Pharmacy’s website and ensure you are eligible to precept. 

Step 2

Complete our CCPP Preceptor Information Form, indicating your interest and confirming your eligibility. Following submission of the form, you will be contacted by the faculty with further information and will be provided a list of CCPP learners in your geographic area that are looking for preceptors.

Neither preceptors nor learners will be vetted or matched by the university to ensure suitability of placement. Once you are provided a list of learner names, you may review the learner biographies and determine if you would like to contact one or more learners via email to initiate conversation and determine suitability for SPT placement.

All eligible preceptors are welcome to submit interest, but our Preceptor Information Form asks you to confirm whether or not you are an experienced preceptor as defined by ACP (you have precepted two students in their final year of a CCAPP accredited Canadian pharmacy program within the last three years).

CCPP learners who have not yet graduated from the program require an experienced preceptor for SPT.

CCPP learners who have graduated from the program do not require an experienced preceptor for any level of SPT.

Message from the CCPP Program Director, Dr. Sherif Mahmoud

Sherif Mahmoud

"Having had the pleasure to teach this CCPP cohort, I can say that they are an excellent group of learners with diverse experiences from all over the world. The skills and perspectives they bring will enrich your practice setting and offer opportunities for you to learn as well as teach."

Sherif Mahmoud, BSc(Pharm), MSc, PhD, FNCS
Clinical Associate Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Director, Certificate to Canadian Pharmacy Practice (CCPP) Program