

Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism Residency Program

Welcome to the Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism Residency Program at the University of Alberta.



We see incredible pathology



Resident Well-Being is a top priority



We eat lunch together daily, celebrate birthdays and have an annual Christmas party


Interview/CaRMS Specific Information 

Interviews will be conducted virtually and organized by the Program Director and Program Administrator.

The program will notify all applicants through CaRMS Online and will send email invitations directly to applicants selected for an interview. The successful applicant/s will be notified via email to discuss interview arrangements.

Contact Us

Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism Residency Program
Department of Pediatrics,
Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism,
University of Alberta


Dr. Chelsey Grimbly
Program Director, Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism

Emily Girard 
Medical Education Program Coordinator


Dr. Chelsey Grimbly
Program Director

Emily Girard
Medical Education Program Coordinator

Welcome to the Pediatric Endocrinology Program!

You're Carms'ing again.. but don't worry. This one is a lot of fun.  

We are a close-knit division of endocrinologists with an incredible diabetes and endocrine allied health team. We offer a two-year residency training program that is accredited by The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Our goal is to foster clinical excellence and independent practice in Pediatric Endocrinology. We promote trainees’ learning goals and career aspirations, whether it is in academia or community endocrine practice. We offer an optional third year of further training in clinical research with potential funding opportunities through the Stollery Hospital Foundation. Trainees have access to research support through the Women and Children’s Health Research Institute. The University of Alberta also houses the Alberta Diabetes Institute, providing access to world class diabetes research.

We provide care to over 1200 children with diabetes, with a wide breadth of exposure to diabetes including type 1 diabetes, type 2, and monogenic diabetes. We are an insulin pump referral center and provide a lot of hands-on training with insulin pump and diabetes technology. We have a variety of clinical interests including neuro-oncology, long term survivors of cancer, dyslipidemia, pediatric bone disorders, and genetic causes of obesity. The Stollery Children’s Hospital is a cardiac, pulmonary, and visceral transplant center, providing unique exposure to endocrine complications in transplant and critical care medicine. We work closely with many of our colleagues to share expertise and optimize clinical care.

Edmonton is a beautiful city, known for its many festivals and river valley. Edmonton has a thriving food and coffee scene and Jasper is less than four hours away.

Thank you for considering our program, we look forward to meeting you!

Dr. Chelsey Grimbly
Program Director

Our Program

The overall goal of the University of Alberta Training Program in Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism is to equip the subspecialty resident (SSR) with the knowledge and skills to function as a competent Pediatric Endocrinology Consultant. The Residency Program will prepare the resident for an independent career involving patient care, teaching and research.


Program Highlights


Our program has a wide variety of clinical experience in addition to General Endocrinology and Diabetes. This includes:

  • Prader Willi and Genetic Obesity Clinics, 
  • Lipid Clinics
  • Bone Marrow Transplant and Long-Term Cancer Survivor Clinics Neuro-Oncology/ Endocrinology Clinics 
  • Thyroid Cancer Clinics
  • Gender Clinics
  • Adolescent diabetes transition clinics
The Stollery Children’s Hospital has one of the largest catchment areas in Canada. Our referral base includes northern and central Alberta, the Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan and northeast British Columbia serving a population base of over two million. This provides a unique exposure to rare endocrine disorders.

Strong and well-established interaction with the Division of Adult Endocrinology, which gives the trainee exposure to the breadth of Endocrine disorders.

Combined Academic activities (Journal Club, Case Conference, and Academic Half-Days) are undertaken in collaboration with Adult Endocrinology staff and residents.

Opportunity for further training and funding including

Our training is located in Edmonton, Alberta, renowned for its river valley and festivals. Here are some links that highlight Edmonton and Area. 

Edify Edmonton Food 

Explore Edmonton

Jasper - Time magazine


This residency program is for 2 years. Program length of training does not exceed the Royal College or College of Family Physicians of Canada standard.
Mandatory Content of Training - 1st Year
Pediatric Endocrinology/Diabetes
  • 8–9 blocks at the Stollery Children's Hospital 
  • 1 Block
Adult Endocrinology
  • 1 Block at the University of Alberta Hospital 
Laboratory Medicine 
  • 2 weeks at the University of Alberta Hospital 
Nuclear Medicine 
  • 2 weeks at the University of Alberta Hospital 
  • 1 Block 

Optional 1 Block Elective

Mandatory Content of Training - 2nd Year

The second year is tailored to the resident's future career interests. 
There are opportunities for away experiences/electives. 

Pediatric Endocrinology/Diabetes

  • 2 – 4 blocks at the Stollery Children's Hospital 


  • 5 Block

Junior Attending in Pediatric Endocrinology/Diabetes Clinics

  • 2 Blocks at the Stollery Children's Hospital 


  • 1 – 2 blocks


  • 1 Block 

Teaching Hospitals

The primary training sites for the Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism Training Program are at the Stollery Children’s Hospital located in the University of Alberta Hospital.

Stollery Children's Hospital 

University of Alberta Hospital 

Image from

Resident Testimonials

We asked our residents what their highlights of the program are, and one piece of advice for applicants about the interview process. Here is what a few of them had to say:


What are the highlights of the program for you: The people - I feel so lucky to work with such a wonderful and supportive group of trainees, endocrinologists, nurses, dieticians, social workers, and administrative staff.

What is one piece of advice that you want to share with applicants about the interview process: I know how cliche this sounds - be yourself! Programs truly want to get to know who you are. And don't forget that you are also figuring out the best program for you and your family too. Take a deep breath - you got this!


What are the highlights of the program for you: My favourite part of the program has been getting to work with such a cohesive and supportive group, who are always eager to teach and find ways to help support our learning. The multidisciplinary team environment is also a major asset to the program, as we regularly have opportunities to learn from the allied health professionals. Finally, the Stollery Children's Hospital is a wonderful place to work, with lots of kid-friendly spaces and lots of subspecialty services.

What is one piece of advice that you want to share with applicants about the interview process: Try not to stress too much. Everyone is very friendly, and they just want to get to know you. Good luck!


What are the highlights of the program for you: There are many highlights! What stands out to me is the supportive learning environment and significant emphasis on education and clinical experiences, as opposed to service. Our faculty prioritize trainee teaching, both formally (weekly division rounds, protected time for AHD, combined journal club and case conference with adult endo colleagues) and informally (discussing interesting cases, teaching during clinics). The Stollery Children's Hospital has a large catchment area which allows for great exposure to unique and rare pathology. The Stollery community is warm and welcoming, and this is especially true of our faculty and interdisciplinary colleagues! It is a pleasure to work with our entire diabetes team and endocrine nurses. Importantly, the Peds Endo faculty are supportive, personable, approachable, and truly care about trainee's best interests! I have always felt professionally and personally supported by faculty throughout my training. Lastly, there are excellent opportunities for scholarly growth within the program. Faculty have a wide variety of research endeavours and SSRs are given space and time to develop and advance their own research/scholarly goals. 

What is one piece of advice that you want to share with applicants about the interview process: Be yourself and ask questions that will allow you to determine if the program and city is a good fit for you personally. Best of luck!