Web Extras

May 02, 2013 •
David Ley

3 Minutes to a Proper British Accent

Spend a few minutes with U of A drama professor David Ley, and he will have you speaking like a Brit before you can say "tea time."

Todd Babiak

The Making of a Storyteller

Like a gopher in a prairie field, Todd Babiak, '95 BA, is popping up everywhere these days. Get to know the newest New Trail columnist.

Kuen Tang

The Mighty Kuen

Kuen Tang, '06 BEd, blazes a trail as the first quadriplegic to summit 2,400-metre-high Ha Ling Peak.

Michael Sikorsky

Startup School is in Session

… with Michael Sikorsky, '96 BSc, CEO of app developer Robots and Pencils. Bring your ambition and your crazy socks.

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Watch as We Do Great Things

There are 250,000 U of A alumni across the globe. Imagine what we could accomplish if every one of us donated one hour of time.

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