Who: Scott Gordon
Degree: '07 BCom
Current Occupation: Co-Founder, VP Marketing and Sales, Press'd The Sandwich Company
Bio: After a solid five years at university I immediately started working towards my Chartered Accountant designation. It was a three year venture and when finished, I thought it a good idea to quit and start a sandwich shop. So I did, with two of my friends. We now have 9 shops and we're looking to expand out of the Edmonton area.
What do you miss most about being a U of A student? Sleeping in. Who voluntarily enrolls in an 8am class? I never understood that.
Favourite campus memory? Being down by a couple points at the end of the Canada West Championship game. The house was packed, people were lining the end lines because there were no seats left. We stole the ball and Mike Melnychuk drained a three to win us the game. The place erupted.
What's the one piece of advice you'd give a current U of A student? Find a balance. Succeed in your classes (you're paying big bucks for them so you may as well), but don't fail at having fun. University is full of too many amazing people and opportunities for you to always b holed up in the library. Plus there's a pretty good chance your people skills will take you further than your degree, so use this time to refine them.
Best procrastination activity? Agreeing to go for a single beer. When was the last time university students paid for one beer each and then headed back to the library? Never, that's when.
Favourite course/professor? Business Law, Mr. Peterson. Take all his classes. The textbook was simply a jumping off point for all his interesting, controversial, real world discussions of the law.
What did you do to help you stay sane during exam time? I'd study in SUB till the wee hours. SUB was were my addiction to coffee began. There was always coffee and always someone around whom you only needed to make eye contact with to convince them it's a good idea to take a break. Sometimes you'd get tons done (usually in the bubble, which was a crunch time move), other times you'd barely crack a book. It was great.
What should all new grads know? You got your degree, congratulations. Now understand that that doesn't really mean shit, and now your real education is about to begin. Stay hungry.
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