Alumni Asked & Answered: Alexis Hillyard, '06 BEd, '11 MEd

Sexual and Gender Minority Equity Advisor Alexis Hillyard, '06 BEd, '11 MEd, on lessons learned in and out of class.

By Meghan Sylvester

March 05, 2014 •
Alexis Hillyard

Who: Alexis Hillyard

Degree: '06 BEd, '11 MEd

Current Occupation: Sexual & Gender Minority Equity Advisor

What do you miss most about being a U of A student? Wearing warm and comfy U of A sweatpants to class every day, and having no one judge me about it.

Favourite campus memory? As random as this is, I really loved lining up for final exams in the Butterdome at the end of the year. It was simultaneously isolating but also very comforting to know those 500 or so other students and I were all in it together.

What's the one piece of advice you'd give a current U of A student? Walk around campus in every season, at least once, just to take in the beauty of it!

Best procrastination activity? When I was studying or writing assignments my 'treat' was walking to the bathroom to stretch my legs and waste a little time fixing my hair in the mirror. Yup, you know you've got a lot on your plate when a bathroom visit is your break!

Favourite course/professor? George Tokarsky, Geometry 241 - hands down the best prof and course of my undergrad. I see him at the UofA gym a lot still and every time he walks by I smile to myself and think 'legend'.

If you got one university do-over, what would it be? I would get involved with a few student clubs and services. Perhaps I would have been involved in OUTreach (the LGBTQ social group) and I would have volunteered for Safewalk.

Favourite secret makeout/study spot? I really enjoyed studying in the music library, and the 4th floor lounge in Ed North is heaven!

What did you do to help you stay sane during exam time? I sing in a really rad choir (Kokopelli Choir Association) so going to rehearsals twice a week really helped me manage my stress!

What impact has the U of A had on your life? The U of A has become a second home for me and offered me a wonderful sense of community to come back to when I need it. Working here after being a student for so long is actually pretty neat.

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