The Week in Review: June 4, 2021

The discovery of the remains of 215 children buried at the site of the former Kamloops Indian Residential School has brought into stark focus the urgent need to face the truth as we strive toward reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. As Florence Glanfield, vice-provost (Indigenous programming and research), reminds us in her powerful letter to the U of A community, "Universities must be committed to mobilizing the truth about the Indian Residential Schools realities."  

That commitment is reflected in the U of A's recognition of National Indigenous History Month, the themes of the virtual 2021 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences happening this week, and in the fruitful partnership we renewed with the Métis Nation of Alberta and the Rupertsland Institute to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Canada's first Métis-specific academic research centre. It is also reflected in the work the university is doing to build and nurture positive relationships with Indigenous communities, to support the work to Indigenize curricula, and to foster a supportive environment for Indigenous faculty, students and staff.

Grieving the news from the Kamloops Indian Residential School burial site in Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc

Letter to the community from Dr. Florence Glanfield, Vice-Provost, Indigenous Programming and Research

Read the letter
A Memorial Candle

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Education professor Tiffany Prete's historical research reveals the roots of what became the Indian residential school system—knowledge she hopes will help promote intergenerational understanding and healing. (Photo: Supplied)
Society and Culture, Research

Education researcher reveals history of assimilative tactics on Blood Reserve

Tiffany Prete hopes her work will help intergenerational survivors.

Actor, director, playwright and producer Reneltta Arluk, the first Indigenous woman to graduate from the U of A's BFA acting program, is directing a production of Yvette Nolan’s "The Birds" running online as part of the 2021 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. (Photo: Supplied)
Society and Culture

Theatre director Reneltta Arluk examines colonization in U of A production of classical play

Sixteen years after graduating from the U of A, the actor, playwright, director and producer returns as the first Indigenous woman to direct on the Timms Centre’s main stage.

Society and Culture

Renewed agreement fosters high-quality teaching, learning and research for Métis people of Alberta

Partnership of U of A, Métis Nation of Alberta and Rupertsland Institute provides research specific to Métis concerns and support for Métis students pursuing post-secondary education.

U of A in the media this week

Tiny shoes and lowered flags: Memorials spread for 215 First Nations children found buried in mass grave in B.C.

There will be more remains found': Indigenous U of A prof says technology would find more unmarked graves in Alberta

Residential school remains could reveal how 215 children lived — and died, experts say