Aidan Comeau

Master of Science, Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation


Aidan, an athlete, "caught the research bug" when contributing to research in rehabilitation medicine during his undergraduate studies. Combining that experience with his passion for exercise physiology inspired him to pursue graduate studies in kinesiology, sport, and recreation.

Aidan also conducted research in Austria at the University of Innsbruck. It was challenging at times but he found conducting research at another institution to be a rewarding and valuable experience.

Aidan is grateful to his supervisor, thesis committee members and research collaborators, who provided unwavering support and guidance throughout his program. He is proud of his thesis defense and having had the opportunity to present it in front of his supervisor, colleagues, friends and family.

Aidan's advice for prospective students:
"Talk to other students! Although grad school can seem daunting, I have yet to meet anyone who isn’t willing to share their experience with prospective students, particularly over coffee. Getting multiple perspectives on both the positive and negative aspects of a program or field will help ensure there are fewer surprises down the road."


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Aidan Comeau