Course required software installations for fall 2024

In order to have software installed into central or departmental computer labs for the fall term, clients will need to submit a request through the Staff Service Center by selecting Software Provisioning for Learning Spaces (Add/Remove) within the IT Services catalog.

Please include the following information in your ticket:

  • Course number and section
  • Instructor or TA
  • Lab location(s) for the installation
    • Please be specific with room number(s) (i.e. indicate ECHA L1-250, CAB 3-35, ETLC 2-005)
  • The name of the software application(s) and version number
    • Please indicate required add-ons, software modules, scripts or other specialized configuration requirements
  • Date of first class when the software is required

The deadline for submitting requests for the fall semester is Thursday, July 31.

Installation requests received after this date may not be able to be installed for September.  IST will take every measure possible to fulfill the request, but installation cannot be guaranteed due to the increased number of requests that are anticipated.

Additional information and considerations

  • Please confirm that the requested software is installed in the lab you are teaching in prior to the start of classes. Do not assume that previously installed software will be available for the upcoming semester.
  • IST can only install software applications that are able to be run on modern operating systems such as Windows 10, Mac OS X 11/12, Ubuntu 20.04, etc.
  • IST can only install and support applications that are supported by the software vendor.
  • Please ensure that new versions of software applications are fully tested. IST staff are only able to test the launching and execution of an application.
  • Software installations must not create a security vulnerability within the lab environment.
  • Departments are responsible for the cost of purchasing course required software applications and licenses.
  • Installation of freeware, trial, open source or other non-commercial applications will require IST assessment and approval before installation. A small percentage of applications do not meet technical requirements and cannot be installed. In this case, the requestor will be advised of the limitation.