Congratulations to Sean Gouglas

Let's get to know our newest Full Professor, Sean Gouglas.

29 January 2016

Sean Gouglas has been promoted to the rank of Full Professor, effective July 1, 2016. Warm congratulations to Sean!

Where is your favourite place on campus?

The Old Arts Building - It is a gorgeous building. I particularly love hearing any and all types of music coming out of Convocation Hall at all hours. There's also a fabulous grid of black and white marble tiles in the foyer, which I use for a chess-inspired game design exercise with my students at the start of term.

If you were not an academic, what do you think you would be doing?

Either a video game designer, a baker, or a brewer.

Where did you grow up?


Where did you get your BA, MA, Phd?

I received my BA from Western University in English and History and the my MA and PhD from McMaster University in History.

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

Italy, probably in the south.

What is your favourite thing about teaching?

Learning from my undergraduate and graduate students. They are fantastic, funny, and inspiring.

What is your favourite book?

The Lord of the Rings (that's three books, I guess).

Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car?

Ride a bike. No question.

When did you know you wanted to study History?

After about my third class with Dr. Gerald Killan at Western. It was a course in Environmental History and he was an inspiring professor.

If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be? (excluding family)

I would pick four dead people, as they probably wouldn't eat much. Oh, you mean if they were still living. Well, that's quite different: Gary Gygax, Ada Lovelace, Neko Case, Stan Rogers

What is your favourite family tradition?

Fondue with my partner and girls on Christmas Eve.

Do you collect anything?

Dungeons and Dragons stuff.

What was your first job?

Assuming delivering papers doesn't count - I was on the ground crew for the Toronto Blue Jays when they were at Exhibition Stadium.

Congratulations, Dr. Gouglas! And thanks for being a sport!