HCGSA Conference

Sacrifice, Spirits, and Saints: Defining and Challenging the Sacred

16 February 2016

The University of Alberta's History and Classics Graduate Students' Association will be hosting its Annual Graduate Student Conference from February 25-27. This year's conference, entitled "Sacrifice, Spirits, and Saints: Defining and Challenging the Sacred," will be discussing issues related to the theme of "sacredness" in both its religious and non-religious connotations. The keynote lecture "Lambs of God: the Sacredness of Little Lives in Punic and North Africa," given by Prof. Matthew McCarty from the University of British Columbia, will concern child sacrifices in ancient Maghreb. The graduate student panels will address numerous issues concerning sacredness, including social memory, ritual, cult of personality, and funerary practices, among other topics. The keynote lecture and panels are free and open to the public.

Keynote lecture: Thursday, February 25
Time: 4:30-6:00 pm
Location: Education South 1-29

Panels: February 26-27
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm (both days)
Location: Tory 2-58