NSERC/SSHRC Writing Workshops

NSERC SSHRC Writing workshop 

Academic Writing Resources

The U of A offers various writing resources to graduate students.

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Interested in a writing retreat?

Email us at dgiroux@ualberta.ca.

Workshop Descriptions

The Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies and the Writing Centre (Academic Success Centre) are working together to offer a series of free workshops for graduate students. These workshops focus on helping students to successfully communicate their research and improve their academic performance.

Meet the Instructors

Bhuva Narayanan

Bhuva Narayanan is a graduate writing specialist at the Academic Success Centre.

Dr. Jonathan Simmons

Dr. Jonathan Simmons is a Graduate Writing Advisor at the Academic Success Centre.

Dr. Kate Pratt

Dr. Kate Pratt is the writing services director at the Academic Success Centre.

Upcoming Workshops

Register for all upcoming workshops on campusBRDIGE.

Inoculating Against Jargonitis in Funding Proposals

Eliminate jargon and effectively communicate complex ideas to a general audience with this workshop. You'll learn how to identify and eliminate jargon, engage and inform a wider audience and avoid using overly technical or specialized language. Improve the accessibility and chances of acceptance for your SSHRC and NSERC proposals by using plain language.

Next Session: TBD

Framing + Analyzing Literature in a Grant Proposal

Critically evaluate the literature and strengthen your proposal with this workshop. You'll learn how to identify gaps, biases, and limitations in the literature, synthesize it into a coherent narrative and make your proposal more convincing.

Next Session: TBD

Addressing + Overcoming Writer's Block + Procrastination

Discover practical strategies to overcome common obstacles in the SSHRC and NSERC grant writing process, such as writer's block and procrastination. You'll learn techniques for managing time, setting realistic goals and improving the quality and timeliness of your funding applications.

Next Session: TBD

Writing a Plain Language Abstract

Writing a lay abstract can seem daunting. Learn strategies to eliminate jargon, reorganize your sentences, and communicate your research to a non-specialist reader without simplifying key concepts. We will discuss how to use plain language principles to adapt your writing for different audiences and purposes.

Next Session: TBD

Making a Strong Case for the Significance of Your Research

Effectively communicate the impact of your work with this workshop. You'll learn how to identify and articulate the unique contributions of your research, demonstrate its relevance and present the potential outcomes in a compelling way.

Next Session: TBD

Preparing for an Academic Conference

The term is winding down, the campus is quiet…and you’re scrambling to prepare for a major conference. Come explore helpful ways to polish your paper, sharpen your presentation style and reduce anxiety in the lead-up to the event. Open to graduate students in all disciplines.

Next Session: TBD

Making Your Research Matter: Highlighting Significance + Engaging Your Audience

Identify the key elements of a compelling research proposal, including a clear research problem statement, a well-supported argument for its importance and a persuasive approach to engage the target audience. Boost your chances of success by making your research compelling to non-specialists, whether you're applying for funding from SSHRC, NSERC or another agency.

Next Session: TBD

Analyzing + Meeting Scholarship Guidelines

Get the most out of your SSHRC and NSERC funding applications by effectively analyzing and interpreting funding guidelines. You'll learn how to identify key components and requirements, present information clearly and concisely and address selection criteria used by funding agencies and scholarship committees.

Next Session: TBD

Using Plain Language in Your Research Proposal

Boost your chances of being accepted by using plain language in your SSHRC and NSERC proposals. You'll learn strategies for effectively communicating complex ideas to a non-specialist audience and avoiding the pitfalls of using overly technical language.

Next Session: TBD

Navigating Audience, Purpose + Tone in Academic Writing

Tailor your SSHRC and NSERC messages to meet your audience's needs and expectations. You'll learn how to determine your communication's purpose, identify your audience and use an appropriate tone.

Next Session: TBD

Storytelling + Narrative in Research Proposals

Enhance your research proposal with storytelling techniques. You'll learn how to engage your audience, clarify your research problem and solution and make a compelling case for funding.

Next Session: TBD

Addressing + Overcoming Imposter Syndrome in Grant Writing

This workshop is for SSHRC and NSERC applicants who struggle with self-doubt and insecurity in the grant writing process. You'll learn how to identify and challenge imposter syndrome, build confidence and recognize the significance of your research. You'll also discover strategies for dealing with rejection, networking and seeking support from mentors and peers.

Next Session: TBD