Financial Support

Financial aid is available for students who need additional financial support beyond awards, scholarships and prizes.

The following sources support those seeking additional financial support.

Displaced Palestinian Student Bursary Program

Eligible students holding citizenship of Palestine who are experiencing financial need for the upcoming school year's academic and basic living costs can apply to receive up to $25,000 in bursary funding.

Find out more

Student Financial Support

There are several other financial supports available to all U of A students through Student Financial Support.

Reach out to the Student Service Centre for support with:

  • Graduate bursaries
  • Emergency funding
  • Financial literacy resources

Student Financial Support

Student Loans

Paperwork for graduate student loans can be completed at the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (GPS).

If you are a returning full-time student and not applying for another student loan this academic year, contact your provincial government to ensure your interest-free status.

For information on graduate student loan procedures, contact

Tuition Payment Options

Tuition payment options are not determined by GPS. Learn more about student tuition payment options at the link below.

Tuition Payment Options

Department Support

The U of A offers financial assistance at both the faculty and department levels. Students can contact the department offering their program to learn how graduate students are supported.

Note: Each page provides preliminary information and a link to the department site, located at the bottom of the page under “Contact.”

Search Graduate Programs

Graduate Students’ Association

The Graduate Students' Association offers financial support for graduate students in the form of grants, awards and bursaries.

GSA Funding