Electrical and Computer Engineering

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Why study this program?

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers graduate courses leading to the MEng, MSc, and PhD degrees to qualified graduates of recognized universities.

Electrical and Computer Engineering graduate students have the opportunity to work with an advisor in one of twelve research areas in the department. While a specific topic of focus is expected, the research conducted in many of the areas is interdisciplinary. This gives students experience with other facets of electrical and computer engineering, and engineering physics. The twelve areas of research in ECE include: biomedical engineering; communications; computer engineering; control systems; electromagnetics and microwaves; energy systems; integrated circuits and systems; microsystems and nanodevices; photonics and plasmas; signal and image processing; software engineering and intelligent systems; solid state electronics.

Entrance Requirements

The Department’s minimum requirements for admission to the MEng or MSc programs are an undergraduate degree with an admission GPA of at least 3.0 on the 4- point scale from the University of Alberta, or an equivalent qualification and standing from a recognized institution. The admission GPA will be calculated on the last 60 units of graded coursework completed, or on the equivalent of the last two years of full-time graded coursework.

The Department’s minimum requirements for admission to the PhD program are an undergraduate degree with an admission GPA of at least of 3.3 on the 4-point scale from the University of Alberta, or an equivalent qualification and standing from a recognized institution. The admission GPA will be calculated on the last 60 units of graded coursework completed, or on the equivalent of the last two years of full-time graded coursework.

Where applicable, applicants must provide proof of English Language Proficiency (refer to English Language Requirement ). Any one of the following is acceptable:

  • a minimum TOEFL score of 92 (Internet-based) with at least 21 in each section or equivalent;
  • an overall band score of 7.0 on IELTS with at least 6.0 on each band;
  • a minimum overall score of 70 on the CAEL with at least 60 on each subtest;
  • a minimum score of 62 on the PTE Academic.

Students are also required to submit a Curriculum Vitae and three letters of reference. Current U of A students applying for graduate admission do not need to submit references.

Students with a Master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering (or a related discipline) are only eligible for admission into the PhD program, and students with a doctoral degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering (or a related discipline) are ineligible for admission into the graduate program. The determination of related disciplines is made (on a case-by-case basis) by the Associate Chair - Graduate Program.



Delivery Mode:
On Campus

Program Type:
Course Based, Thesis Based

Degree Level:
Master's, Doctoral

Program Requirements
Tuition and Fees

Financial assistance is available on a competitive basis in the form of research assistantships, teaching assistantships, tuition scholarships and a variety of awards administered by the University and affiliated institutions. Details are found at www.gradstudies.ualberta.ca

For general information, please visit the Tuition and Fees page on the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research site.
Scholarships and Financial Support

The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research administers over $29 million each year in scholarships, awards, and financial support for graduate students, as well as financial and loan advising. Additional scholarships are also available for specific faculties and programs.

Program-specific inquiries

Please refer to the detailed program information or email gradinfo@ece.ualberta.ca.

General inquiries

Please check out some of our most frequently asked questions (FAQS) to see if your question has been answered, or contact the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) during our office hours.

Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR)
Killam Centre for Advanced Studies
2-29 Triffo Hall
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E1