Shirley Stinson Lecture

May 3, 2023 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

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Dr. Shirley Stinson was a visionary leader, teacher, administrator, researcher and consultant, whose contributions have changed the face of nursing in Canada. Dr. Stinson dedicated her career to affirm the importance of nursing research in health care and further raised the credibility of nursing as a professional discipline. Dr. Stinson's family has generously allowed the University of Alberta hold an annual Research Lecture in her honour. Learn more about Dr. Stinson. 

The theme of this year's lecture is Planetary Health. Our keynote speaker is Dr. Barbara Astle, a professor of Nursing at Trinity Western University in Langley, B.C. Dr. Astle is recognized as a leader in planetary health education and research. Her keynote is titled Planetary Health and Sustainability: A Transdisciplinary Approach. 


Dr. Barbara Astle PhD, RN, FCAN

Trinity Western University

Planetary Health and Sustainability: A Transdisciplinary Approach

Dr. Barbara Astle is a Professor of Nursing and the Director of the Master in Science (MSN) program for Trinity Western University in Langley, B.C. She is recognized as a leader in global health education, planetary health education, and research literacy, and for her involvement in numerous national and international organizations. She was a recipient of the Excellence in Nursing Education Award by the Association of Registered Nurses in British Columbia, Canada (2017) acknowledging her research, education, and mentorship in global health. In 2020, Astle was an Inductee to the Canadian Women in Global Health List, which recognizes the achievements of established leaders in global health. Dr. Astle’s research focuses on areas of global health, planetary health, health equity, human rights, gender, and research literacy related to education, and population health.

 Dr. Astle is passionate about ensuring that the next generation of students and faculty are mindful of the importance of health equity and justice in global/planetary health. She is a committed nursing leader specifically in advocating for the development and integration of global and planetary health education that fosters key elements of the interconnectedness of the sustainability of our planet for the health and wellbeing of our population. She worked with an interdisciplinary, intergenerational, geographically diverse, and gender-inclusive group of scholars and practitioners on the development of the Planetary Health Education Framework. This framework is recognized as a foundational document for planetary health education.

Laura Reifferscheid BScN, RN, PhD(c)

University of Alberta

Planetary Health in Canadian Nursing Education Programs Survey


Laura Reifferscheid is a PhD student in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Alberta and the Alberta co-representative for the Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment. Laura is dedicated to incorporating planetary health into nursing education and has developed a professional development opportunity for nursing students to explore what planetary health means, how it relates to nursing practice, education, and research, and how it connects to current nursing curricula.

Lindsay Komar MN, BScN, RN

University of Alberta

Planetary Health in Canadian Nursing Education Programs Survey


Lindsay Komar is a recent graduate of the Master of Nursing program at the University of Alberta and the Alberta co-representative for the Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment. Lindsay is dedicated to incorporating planetary health into nursing education and has created planetary health learning modules to help nurses develop a planetary health lens through which to view and understand the interconnections between human health and our planet’s natural systems. 

Fiona Hanley MSc, BScN, BA, RN

McGill University

A Nurses Toolkit for Planetary Health

Fiona is a Nursing educator and member of the Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment. She is also a course lecturer at the Ingram School of Nursing, McGill University, and taught at Dawson College Montreal for over 20 years. Fiona is dedicated to supporting social justice movements, including promotion of midwifery care in Canada. This evolved into deep concern about environmental health and climate, and now the emerging planetary health movement. She has long advocated for nursing leadership in addressing the environmental and climate crises, and in bridging the gap between research and action. One of her current collaborations is as climate curriculum consultant for the nursing department at John Abbott College in Montreal.

Joanna Law MN, BScN, RN

A Nurses Toolkit for Planetary Health


Joanna is a Senior Practice Consultant for Alberta Health Services and a member of the Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment. Joanna recently graduated from the Master of Nursing Program at the University of Alberta with a research focus on the role nurses play in health care sustainability.


Fiona and Joanna are the project leads in the creation of A Nurses Toolkit for Planetary Health in collaboration with the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions. The goal of the toolkit is to provide nurses with the resources required to be leaders in healthcare sustainability within three spheres: individual, unit and facility. The toolkit will help nurses influence sustainable changes for individual nurses carrying out daily tasks, for units within a facility and for healthcare facility decision-makers. The toolkit will also provide a list of available resources from a variety of expert sources. Most importantly, through CANE’s involvement, this toolkit can facilitate connections among nurses and facilities working toward the same goals.


1:30 - Introduction by Dr. Diane Kunyk

1:35 - Planetary Health and Sustainability: A Transdisciplinary Approach by Dr. Barbara Astle

2:10 - Planetary Health in Canadian Nursing Education Programs Survey by Laura Reifferscheid and Lindsay Komar

2:15 - A Nurses Toolkit for Planetary Health by Fiona Hanley and Joanna Law

2:20 - Questions from the Audience

2:30 - Lecture ends



Lindsey Komar
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