Managing Your Time and Energy (Virtual)

Dec. 19, 2024 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Online - Zoom

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The ability to effectively manage your time and harness your energy is more crucial than ever. Whether you are a busy professional, an ambitious entrepreneur, or a dedicated student, mastering these skills can significantly enhance your success and well-being.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the premise of time management.

  • Determine priorities in your life.

  • Streamline your schedule to maximize efficiency and productivity.

  • Discover practical tips and techniques to maintain high energy and focus throughout the day.

Registration opens two months prior to the session date. We are so glad you are interested in our Organizational Development’s learning curriculum! Please note, our training sessions are oversubscribed. If you are unable to attend a session for which you’ve registered, please cancel your registration when registration is still open to open up a space for a colleague.


Organizational Development
Faculty, Staff
Training, Development
Organizational Development Health and Well-being Workplace wellbeing physical health mental health social health stress management HRHSE