River Walks with Dwayne Donald (Edmonton)

Aug. 18, 2024 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM | See more event times
Kinsmen Club of Edmonton (9150 Walterdale Hill NW, Edmonton)

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Learning from the Land:
An Alumni Series

Take a walk through the Edmonton river valley with fellow alumni, enhance your understanding of Indigenous culture, and join our reconciliation efforts. Dr. Dwayne Donald will share Indigenous insights, reflections and storytelling, heightening our appreciation of the land and how our communities can connect more organically with our environment and one another.

  • Route: Edmonton River Valley, paved and unpaved trails
  • Physicality: 3-4 km easy walk with several stops 

Dr. Dwayne Donald is a descendent of the amiskwaciwiyiniwak (Beaver Hills people) and works as a professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta. His work focuses on ways in which Indigenous wisdom traditions can expand and enhance understandings of curriculum and pedagogy. Dr. Donald holds a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Reimagining Teacher Education With Indigenous Wisdom Traditions.

This event is open to all alumni and their guests.

These events are now full but are accepting waitlist registrations. Please use the registration button to add to the waitlist. 



Learning from the Land: An Alumni Series

This event is part of the Learning from the Land Series hosted by the Department of Alumni Relations. This series comprises traditional plant walks, river walks and Blackfoot medicine wheel teachings taking place at various locations throughout Alberta. Land-based learning recognizes the deep physical, mental and spiritual connection to the land that is part of Indigenous cultures. Join our vibrant alumni community as we learn from the land around us and understand our connection to it.

See all Learning from the Land events

Note: Keeping in practice with Indigenous ways of learning and knowing, each session will begin with a sharing circle led by the traditional knowledge keeper or elder that is hosting the session. We encourage all registrants to pay close attention to the session descriptions before registering as the physical demand and duration of each session differs depending on the host.


Trina Harrison, Indigenous Community & Partner Engagement
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Alumni Arts, Culture Ceremonies, Special Events Lectures, Seminars Presentations
Learning from the Land

Upcoming Events

Date Time
Sunday August 18, 2024 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Sunday August 18, 2024 01:00 PM - 04:00 PM