Citizenship Renvoi, or the Dark Side of Multiple Citizenship Options

March 13, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Tory Building 10-4

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Citizenship renvoi (a term adopted from private international law) is when the courts of one state apply the citizenship/nationality laws of another state – usually in order to deny protections from refugee claimants who can thereby be sent to other states instead. This presentation will describe its development of citizenship renvoi in the three pioneering states of Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom; and the expansion of multiple citizenship options from the 1990s onwards that made citizenship renvoi possible.

Péter D. Szigeti

About the Speaker

Péter D. Szigeti is an assistant professor at the University of Alberta Faculty of Law, where he primarily teaches Property and Citizenship, Immigration and Refugee Law. He has published, among other topics, on the inherent comparativism of immigration law; and the decreasing possibilities for the immigration of elderly family members in modern settler states.

This talk is sponsored by the U of A Immigration Working Group.

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