Virtual Event: Random Acts of Hello

Nov. 25, 2021 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM

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Say hello, stranger! Build social connections among your UAlberta community by joining students and grads for a virtual event in celebration of the 49th annual World Hello Day. Using communication to promote peace, World Hello Day encourages each of us to say hello to 10 people, be it an old friend or someone new.

Here’s how the virtual event works:

  • Log on to our live event on Nov. 25 to meet attendees from across UAlberta campuses and alumni around the world.

  • Every 10 minutes, you’ll join a new breakout room of 5-10 people to have a friendly chat. Talk about the weather, the news, the latest episode of *insert TV show name here*, whether a hot dog is a sandwich — whatever comes up!

Participate from wherever you are in the world and experience the diversity and kindness of the UAlberta community.


Community, Public