Solving the puzzle of Alzheimer’s disease: Is it a search for the Holy Grail?

Jan. 18, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Online via Zoom

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A neurodegenerative and terminal disease with no known cure, Alzheimer’s disease is a condition that robs patients of their memory and cognitive functions and affects not only the patient but also family members, caregivers and close friends. In 2011, University of Alberta Researcher Dr. Jack Jhamandas discovered that a drug originally developed for diabetes also blocks the toxic effects of a protein found in Alzheimer’s patients. This finding may open new avenues to explore in terms of treatment.

Dr. Jack Jhamandas from the Division of Neurology in the Department of Medicine will provide a synthesis of our current knowledge of Alzheimer’s disease, its diagnosis, treatment and recent developments in understanding the causes of this disease.

Note: A recording of this webinar will be posted to On Demand following the live event. It will be available to view until January 31, 2023. 

This event is open to all alumni and their guests.


Dr. Jack Jhamandas is currently a Distinguished University Professor in the Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine at the University of Alberta. He received his BSc in Applied Physics and MSc in Biophysics from the University of Alberta, his MD from the University of Calgary and completed his clinical training in Internal Medicine at the Toronto Western Hospital and in Neurology at the Montreal Neurological Institute and received his PhD in Neuroscience from McGill University.

Dr. Jhamandas is a neurologist and neuroscientist whose research program on Alzheimer's disease has been funded by the CIHR and other agencies. He has received the Gold Medal in Medicine from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada; a Killam Professorship; a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Alzheimer's Research and elected a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences.



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