Protein Power: How to Cook with Nutrition and Muscle in Mind

Jul. 5, 2022 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

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When most people think of nutrients, they think of fruits and vegetables. And although fresh fruit and veggies are important to well-rounded nutrition, we sometimes overlook the importance of other essential nutrients, like protein.

We need protein for our immune system, healing and recovery. Research from the Human Nutrition Research Unit shows that a diet higher in animal-based protein has benefits for those undergoing health challenges such as cancer treatment.

Join Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences researchers Carla Prado, ’09 PhD, Anissa Armet, ’18 BSc(Nutrition) and Hillary Wilson, ’19 BSc(Nutrition) for an exploration of how to eat if you’re facing certain health conditions, or if you simply want to keep nutrition and muscle in mind. Our presenters will demonstrate some of their favourite recipes for you to show ways you can incorporate healthy animal protein into your diet.


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nutrition immunity health infants