Convocation ‘23: Warren Leung, BSc, Mechanical (Biomed Option) Co-op

Donna McKinnon - 1 June 2023

From an early age, Warren Leung was fascinated by the intersection of machinery and the human body, which led him to study biomedical engineering, an area of research that applies the principles of engineering to solve problems in medicine and healthcare.

But as an international student, Warren knew that building community was as crucial to his academic success as his actual studies, so he joined the University of Alberta EcoCar team and the Taekwondo Club, finding life-long friends and mentors — and a renewed commitment to community service.

Through the challenges of the COVID-19 lockdown, which included being separated from his family in Mauritius (where he was born and raised) to the shared successes of hard work and collaboration, Warren has found a way to make a positive impact wherever he goes.

This June, Warren’s family will reunite for the first time in four years at convocation!

Congratulations Warren!

What led you to choose your current area of study, and why the U of A for your studies?

From a young age, I had an insatiable curiosity and an unwavering desire to understand the world around me. I was particularly intrigued by the inner workings of machines and the complex systems of the human body. As I grew older, I also gained firsthand experience caring for my bedridden grandmother, which fueled my interest in the intersection of engineering and healthcare. She playfully urged me to pursue medicine so I could help her, but I ultimately decided to enroll in the Mechanical Engineering Biomedical Option Co-op program at the University of Alberta, where I could merge my passion for building with my desire to improve people's health. This program allows me to explore the intricacies of both machinery and the human body, and I am excited to apply this knowledge to create innovative solutions for the medical field.

What is one of your favourite memories from your time at the U of A?

Reflecting on my time at the University of Alberta, one of my fondest memories was being a part of the Taekwondo Club. I was immediately drawn to the club's friendly and inclusive atmosphere, and I was grateful for the warm welcome I received as a first-year student. Wanting to give back to this community, I took on increasing leadership roles within the club, eventually serving as both vice-president and president. As a mentor, I continued to support and contribute to the club's growth, which included creating a performance team that showcased our talents at various on-campus events. These performances were incredibly enjoyable and provided a great sense of pride and accomplishment. Additionally, I was impressed by the professionalism demonstrated by the club's executives and was thrilled when the club was recognized as the best club sport of the year. It was a proud moment for me to see the impact of my efforts in building a lasting legacy for the club, and I am confident that future generations of the club will continue to thrive.

Tell us about your favourite professor and/or class.

Throughout my degree, I had the privilege of learning from several outstanding professors, and it's difficult to choose just one favorite. However, I must mention Lindsey Westover, Andrew Martin, and Tim Weis, who all left a lasting impact on me. Not only are they exceptional researchers, but they are also passionate and dedicated teachers. I was fortunate enough to take a class with each of them, and by the end of the semester, I was always left wanting more. They challenged me to think critically and inspired me to pursue my own research interests. I also had the opportunity to work with them on various research projects, and their mentorship and guidance were invaluable. I hold them in high esteem and deeply appreciate the impact they've had on my academic journey. I must also give a special mention to David Nobes, Pierre Mertiny and Benjamin Cheung, who also had a significant impact on my learning experience.

Did you take on any leadership roles while you were a student?

Throughout my time as a student, I have held various leadership roles with different groups. However, one of the most meaningful experiences for me was serving as the project manager for the University of Alberta EcoCar team. In this role, I was responsible for overseeing the team's design and construction of an ultra-efficient hydrogen fuel cell powered car for the Shell Eco-marathon Americas competition. This experience challenged me to balance my academic commitments with my leadership responsibilities, and it taught me the importance of effective communication and teamwork. I worked closely with the team members to ensure we were on track to meet our deadlines and achieve our goals. It was a privilege to lead such a dedicated and passionate team, and I'm proud of the work we accomplished together. Overall, my experiences in leadership have taught me the value of collaboration, communication and adaptability, which I believe will serve me well in my future career.

Did you face any significant obstacles or challenges during your program?

Throughout my academic journey, I encountered numerous challenges, but the most significant one was when I took the role of project manager for the University of Alberta EcoCar team. The previous project manager was leaving and asked me to take on the responsibility. I inherited a project that the team had been working on before the pandemic, and many of the original designers and sub team leads were no longer around, which created a significant transitional gap. The challenge was compounded by the fact that the pandemic had caused a loss of crucial knowledge and expertise. To address this, I reached out to former team members for guidance, recruited new members, secured additional funds totaling $16,600 through three separate funding applications, and reorganized the teams following significant turnover during the pandemic. As a result of these efforts, we are now poised to compete in the Shell Ecomarathon Americas 2023 in April, marking our first participation in over three years. This experience taught me the importance of leadership, teamwork, and perseverance, as well as the impact of technical skills in real-world applications and how it could shape my career. I learned that tapping into my network was the key to overcoming challenges, and having great people around me was crucial to achieving our goals.

What advice do you have for current and future students?

I can offer two pieces of advice to current and future students. First, prioritize building a strong network of friends and peers during your time in school. I found that having a supportive community was crucial to my success in navigating the challenges of a rigorous academic program. Knowing who I could rely on and having people who could relate to my experiences helped me stay motivated and focused.

Secondly, I recommend taking the time to reflect on what truly matters to you and identifying ways to integrate those values into your academic and extracurricular pursuits. For me, getting involved with the community was a top priority. As an international student without any connections in my new environment, joining extracurricular activities helped me explore my interests in engineering and develop important social connections.

Overall, I believe that cultivating strong relationships and staying true to your values are essential for academic and personal growth. By prioritizing these elements, you can make the most of your time in school and prepare yourself for a fulfilling career and life beyond.

How do you plan on celebrating convocation?

My parents are coming to Canada for the first time in their lives. My family will be reunited after being away from each other for four years. Celebrating with them and catching up with them is how I’m hoping to celebrate convocation.

What's next after graduation?

Upon graduation, my primary goal is to secure a position in a field that aligns with my passions and enables me to make a meaningful impact. Throughout my time at the university, I have had the opportunity to participate in a variety of enriching experiences, which have inspired me to pursue a career in either renewable energies or healthcare. I believe that by contributing to positive change in people's lives, I can derive a sense of purpose and fulfillment from my work. In addition to pursuing my own career, I am committed to supporting the Ecocar team as a mentor and observing their future progress.