Convocation ‘23: Megh Patel, BSc, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Donna McKinnon - 1 June 2023


For as long as he can remember, Megh Patel has had a passion for building things, and as he grew older, that passion extended to building better communities. Civil engineering provided the pathway to both, sending Megh on a journey of self-discovery and entrepreneurial adventure.

Deeply committed to community engagement and volunteerism, Megh was recognized with a 2021 William Muir Edwards Citizenship Award by the Faculty of Engineering for his extraordinary service to the community, which included a volunteer stint with Enactus, a global non-profit organization focused on empowering students to create positive social change. More recently, he served as co-president of RED (Renewable Energy Design) Club where he led a community of 298 individuals passionate about renewable energy and sustainability.

Earlier this year, Megh was named a 2023 Cansbridge Fellow, awarded to a small group of high impact Canadian university students who are deemed to be the ‘global leaders of tomorrow’.

“Throughout my life, I realized that the leaders who inspired me committed their lives to serving others,” says Megh. “For me, the purpose of life is to give back to others.”

After convocation, this ‘social entrepreneur’ will intern with VFlowTech, one of the fastest growing cleantech companies in the world, based in Singapore.

Congratulations Megh!

 What led you to choose your current area of study, and why the U of A for your studies?

I have always had a passion for building things. I remember my first time in the woodshop when I was eight years old, learning to use the scroll saw and building my first birdhouse. I felt a great sense of accomplishment. As I grew up, I took on more significant projects, and by grade 11, I had my first construction job. I knew that pursuing a career in engineering, specifically civil engineering, was the path I wanted to take. I chose the University of Alberta because the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is renowned for its excellence in Canada. The university has a long-standing reputation, and many distinguished alumni have gone on to become CEOs and executives of organizations, which inspired me to choose U of A for my studies.

What is one of your favourite memories from your time at the U of A?

One of my favourite memories from my time at the U of A was the first week on campus. It was a time of excitement and exploration as I discovered all the new opportunities available to me. Meeting new friends, living in residence, joining student clubs and immersing myself in the university community created unforgettable experiences.

Tell us about your favourite professor and/or class.

My favourite class was International Business Transactions (B LAW 444) taught by professor Douglas H. Peterson. His teaching style was engaging, and he brought real-world examples and personal life experiences into the classroom. He created a dynamic learning environment that encouraged critical thinking and fostered lively discussions. I gained a deeper understanding of legal entities in international markets and learned about cross-border transactions, intellectual property protection, and dispute resolution. I highly recommend this course to anyone who is interested in learning about conducting business in foreign markets.

Did you take on any leadership roles while you were a student?

During my time as a student, I embraced various leadership roles that allowed me to make a concrete impact and grow personally and professionally. These experiences have shaped my journey and provided invaluable lessons along the way.

One of the organizations that played a significant role in my leadership development was Enactus, a global non-profit organization focused on empowering students to create positive social change through entrepreneurial action. Through my involvement with Enactus, I actively contributed to projects that addressed pressing social issues and created sustainable solutions. This experience taught me the importance of social entrepreneurship and the power of collaborative efforts in making a tangible difference in the world.

In my third year, I embarked on an entrepreneurial journey by starting BuildZero, a company committed to promoting sustainable building practices and energy-efficient solutions. As the founder of BuildZero, I had the opportunity to collaborate closely with industry professionals, architects, and engineers to develop innovative strategies for constructing zero-emission buildings and advocating for sustainable design principles.

Throughout the two years of its existence, BuildZero achieved remarkable success, generating six-figures in revenue. This achievement served as a powerful validation of the company's mission and reinforced the significance of entrepreneurship and sustainability in making a tangible impact in the real world.

Additionally, my involvement with YELL Canada provided me with the opportunity to mentor over 175+ young entrepreneurs. Through this organization, I supported aspiring entrepreneurs in refining their business ideas, developing effective strategies, and navigating the challenges of starting their ventures. Witnessing their growth and success was immensely rewarding, and it reinforced my passion for fostering entrepreneurial spirit and empowering others to pursue their dreams.

In my last semester as co-president of RED (Renewable Energy Design) Club I also had the privilege of leading a community of 298 like-minded individuals passionate about renewable energy and sustainability. Our club served as a platform for engaging in meaningful discussions, participating in hands-on projects, and contributing to the advancement of renewable energy technologies. The dedication and enthusiasm of our members inspired me and reinforced the collective impact we can have when we come together around a common goal.

Recently, I was selected as a participant in the Cansbridge Fellowship program, a highly regarded leadership development initiative that connects young entrepreneurs and aspiring leaders with experienced mentors and industry professionals. This program has provided me with transformative experiences, including workshops, networking opportunities with high-impact individuals, and valuable insights into business and innovation. The Cansbridge Fellowship has broadened my perspective and equipped me with the necessary skills to excel in leadership roles and make a lasting impact.

In recognition of my commitment to community engagement in the areas of sustainability homelessness, and renewable energy, I was honored to receive the William Muir Edwards Citizenship Award. This prestigious award acknowledges individuals who demonstrate exceptional dedication to making a positive impact in their communities through leadership and social responsibility. It served as a reminder of the importance of using our skills and resources to create positive change and inspire others to do the same.

Did you face any significant obstacles or challenges during your program?

During my program, I encountered significant obstacles, particularly in the form of academic struggles and failed courses. Balancing my academic workload with extracurricular activities and part-time work was a challenge. However, I refused to let these setbacks define me or discourage my progress.

I took proactive measures to address them. I recognized the need to prioritize my tasks effectively and developed a study schedule that allowed me to allocate sufficient time for each subject. Setting realistic goals helped me stay focused and motivated, ensuring that I made consistent progress in my studies. Additionally, I understood the importance of self-care and made sure to allocate time for relaxation.

Through perseverance and a commitment to self-improvement, I was able to overcome the challenges I faced during my program. These experiences taught me valuable lessons in resilience, time management and seeking support when needed. It is essential for students to understand that setbacks are a natural part of the learning process. It is crucial to maintain a positive mindset, seek assistance when required, and implement strategies that promote personal growth. With determination and perseverance, we can overcome any obstacles that come our way and thrive in our endeavors.

What advice do you have for current and future students?

My advice for current and future students is to expand your network and make connections. The university experience is not just about the academic knowledge you gain; it's also about the people you meet and the relationships you build. Actively engage in extracurricular activities, join clubs or organizations related to your interests, and participate in networking events. The connections you make during your time at the university can have a significant impact on your future career opportunities and personal growth. Networking opens doors and exposes you to diverse perspectives, opportunities, and mentorship that can shape your path and provide lifelong value.

How do you plan on celebrating convocation?

I plan to spend time with family and friends to celebrate this special moment. I want to visit Merlion statue at sunset while enjoying the skyline of Singapore city as a backdrop. It will be a special and memorable way to mark this significant milestone in my life. I will reflect on my accomplishments and express gratitude for the opportunities and experiences that have shaped my path.

What's next after graduation?

After graduation, I will be taking on an internship with VFlowTech in Singapore, one of the fastest growing cleantech companies in the world. This internship presents an incredible opportunity for me to contribute to the development of cutting-edge flow batteries and actively work towards fighting climate change. I hope to continue working on solutions that help humanity and contribute to a more sustainable planet.