
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Alberta helps students develop the skills they need to dream of and invent the technology of the future.

Offering both undergraduate and graduate programs, ECE is a leader in engineering education in Canada. We offer students a unique hands-on experience in state-of-the-art labs and instruction from our award-winning faculty. We invite you to explore our website and see what opportunities ECE has to offer you.


Our Research

Our Department conducts research in a wide range of areas. Find out more about our specialities and the professors working within each area.


Graduate Studies

We offer a variety of graduate programs, from Master's to PhDs. 

Undergrad Programs

We offer undergraduate degrees in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Engineering Physics, all starting from a common first year program. 

Student Services

From program help to career search advice to booking rooms, we're here to help.

Looking for someone?

Looking for professors in Electrical and Computer Engineering? Start with this pre-filtered list of the Faculty of Engineering directory, then you can narrow your search using keywords.

You can also search our faculty directory for other individuals and groups. Once there, you can further refine your search by name, title, research area, and other keywords.

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