Energy Pathways Career Mentorship Program
Mentee applications are now closed. Please check back in December 2021!
Where can advanced energy research training lead? Energy touches everything in our world, so the career possibilities might surprise you. Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who study energy at the University of Alberta might pursue careers in research, government, industry, utilities, startups, not-for-profits, public education, and more. Each career journey will be unique, and one of the best ways to identify your personal pathway is through the advice of mentors. The Energy Pathways mentorship program can connect you with a mentor from their chosen sector for eight months, granting access to valuable advice and networking opportunities, and enabling you to prepare for your chosen career pathway while still in your university program.
The Energy Pathways Career Mentorship Program is an eight month program, from April to the end of November, and is open to Graduate Students (Masters, PhD) and Postdoctoral Fellows.
Attributes of Successful Mentees
- Self-directed and takes initiative.
- Reflective about strengths and weaknesses that could benefit from improvement.
- Sets goals of what they want to accomplish in a mentorship relationship.
- Receptive to constructive feedback and willing to act on it.
- Open to being challenged.
- Have realistic expectations of the mentoring program.
Expectations of Mentees
- It is the responsibility of the mentees to set up meetings with their mentors (recommended six meetings in eight months), be prepared, ask questions, follow up, and be courteous.
- Attend the free training session at the start of the program (April 2021). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, training is anticipated to be offered online.
Mentors will be recruited based on needs of the mentees, but we welcome alumni, internal or external to the University of Alberta, who wish to share their expertise and experience to apply at any time.